Monday, September 30, 2019

Procurement Ethics Practices Essay

All persons in society, whether in private or public sector, product or services industry are concerned with ethics, Ethics is defined as the discipline dealing with what is good or bad and moral duty and obligation. Thus personal ethics has been referred to as the rules by which an individual lives his/her personal life. Business ethics is concerned with truth, fairness and justice and accounting ethics pertains to the code that guides the professional conduct of aspects such as the expectation of society and customers, social responsibility, consumer autonomy and corporate behavior in the home country as well as abroad (koontz et al 1994) Business ethics has become a well recognized aspect of managing firms today . Due to an increasing interest of ,many are nowadays concerned about values like integrity and honesty and developing ethical codes to foster responsible behavior of their employees. Ethically therefore, managers must produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people in these days of pervasive globalization of business. Manager should recognize that customers and all other stakeholders of their companies have aright to quality products and services, to meet their existing and emerging needs, at affordable prices, all times, and should be guided by fairness and equity, as well as imparity. Managers must institutionalize ethics in their decisions and daily activities thus applying integrity and integrating ethical concepts with daily actions. This can be achieved by: Establishing an appropriate company policy or code of ethics, so as to institutionalize ethics, sin organizational behavior both at management and board of director’s level, using a formally established ethics committee, teaching ethics to employees. It has been established that ethical standard vary from society to society and from country to country and should therefore be taught to ensure uniformity in understanding and applicability across the world, particularly in these days of increasing and pervasive globalization. In procurement office or department the following ethics should be followed for better running of the organization. All officers who are in charge must follow some ethics for good purchasing and supplying, this will include: Honesty: People who procure on behalf of organizations cannot afford to give anyone cause to believe that their procurement behavior is not completely ethical. Spending millions of shillings for their organizations, they are exposed to temptations that most of their colleagues face. Therefore, they have to be honest when procuring goods on behalf of the organization. Enhancing Integrity :Procurement officials should never use their authority or office for personal gain and shall seek to enhance their integrity by: maintaining unimpeachable standards of integrity in all business relationship both inside and outside the organizations in which they are employee, fostering the highest possible standards of professional competence amongst those for whom they are responsible, optimizing the use of resources for which they are responsible to provide the maximum benefit to their employing organization. Conflicts of Interest: When dealing with suppliers potential conflicts of interest can sometimes arise. Instances where relatives or friends are employed by the supplier company should be notified to the Service Unit Manager. This will not prevent the Council trading with the supplier though the Council may arrange for the procurement to be handled by another officer. In instances where Members or former employees are potential suppliers it is important that they do not receive or expect to receive special consideration. If their inside knowledge appears to give them an unfair competitive advantage it may be desirable to take steps to ensure fair competition amongst all suppliers. Rewards to employees: Members and officers should avoid as far as possible dealing with our suppliers in their private affairs, particularly if this is likely to put them under some obligation to the supplier. Where such arrangements are unavoidable it is essential that they ensure that they are not offered any sort of deal which is not commonly available and which could be construed as a reward for actions taken in the course of the employment. Principles of Professional : Seeks or accepts a position as head or employee only when fully in accord with the professional principles applicable thereto, and when confident of possessing the qualifications to serve under those principles to the advantage of the employing organization, believes in the dignity and worth of the services rendered by the organization and the societal responsibilities assumed as a trusted public servant, so that organization is governed by the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order to merit the respect and inspire the confidence of the organization and the public being served. Confidentiality and Accuracy of Information: The confidentiality of information received in the course of duty should be respected and should never be used for personal gain; information given in the course of duty should be true and fair and never designed to mislead hence making personal profit obtained through misuse of public or personal relationships is dishonest and not tolerable. Business gifts: Business gifts, other than items of very small value such as business diaries, calendars, should not be accepted, members of the staff should at no time or under any circumstances accept directly or indirectly, gifts, gratuities, or other things of value from suppliers which might influence or appear to influence purchasing decisions. Hospitality: Modest hospitality is an acceptable courtesy at a business relationship. However, the recipient shall not allow himself to reach a position whereby he might be deemed by others to have been influenced, in making a business decision as a consequence of accepting such hospitality. The frequency and scale of hospitality accepted shall not be significantly greater than the recipient’s employer would be likely to provide in return. Proper communication: Keeps the governmental organization informed, through appropriate channels, on problems and progress of applicable operations by emphasizing the importance of the facts. In case of any information which is unclear so be discussed with relevant officer without making uninformed decisions which may cost the organization. Proper control of personnel: Resists encroachment on control of personnel in order to preserve integrity as a professional manager, handles all personnel matters on a merit basis. Politics, religion, ethnicity, gender, and age carry no weight in personnel administration in the agency being directed or served. Disciplinary Action: Seeks or dispenses no personal favors, handles each administrative problem objectively and emphatically without discrimination. Any mistake committed should be dealt with without favor and the correct measure should be applied. Purchasing and supply procedure: Officers shall always seek to uphold and enhance the standing of the Purchasing and Supply profession and will always act professionally and selflessly by: maintaining the highest possible standard of integrity in all their business relationships both inside and outside the organizations where they work, rejecting any business practice which might reasonably be deemed improper and never using their authority for personal gain, enhancing the proficiency and stature of the profession by acquiring and maintaining current technical knowledge and the highest standards of ethical behavior; fostering the highest possible standards of professional competence amongst those for whom they are responsible. Competition – The nature and length of contracts and business relationships with suppliers can vary according to circumstances. These should always be constructed to ensure deliverables and benefits. Arrangements which might in the long term prevent the effective operation of fair competition should be avoided. Conclusion Managerial and appropriate ethical behavior is central to the success and effectiveness of organization anywhere in the world today. Business are so interconnected ,in terms of products and information flows, that ethical behavior in one country or in one part of the globe has an immediate impact in other countries or parts of the globe. Consequently, attempts should be made by governments and business leaders to incorporate standard management practices in their operations to enhance the efficiency of these flows. Ethical standards and codes are in this process because of the globalization of e- world business today. There is an urgent need to develop and adopt international ethical standard and codes to guide and regulate managers, globally, in running their organization effectively. These codes should include corporate governance and social responsibility practices. Reference: 1) Codes of Professional Responsibility– by Rena A. Gorlin – 1149 pg 2) Management Reform – by DIANE Publishing Company – 539 pg 3) News line KASNEB (July-sep2004) 4) Koontz et al management (1994)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Explain the theory of Virtue Ethics Essay

Aristotle originally introduced virtue Ethics to society in ancient Greek times. Virtue Ethics tells us that we should look at the character of the person instead of the actions or duties a person performs. Instead of concentrating on what is the right thing to do, virtue ethics asks how you can be a better person. Aristotle claims that leading a virtuous life is easy, and those who do, do so to be happy. Happiness is the ultimate goal for everyone in life. To become a better person, you must practice virtuous acts regularly. After a while, these acts will become routine and so the virtuous acts will be nothing more than everyday life and the person a virtuous person. Aristotle said that although virtues should become a habit we must never forget that we behave in such a way because it is right. For example, if a singer practices singing everyday, they will become better at it and used to doing it. This is the same as people who practice their virtues and soon automatically act in the right way, by practicing our skills we improve them, becoming happier. Virtues should not be an effort, but simply a part of everyone’s personality. Aristotle says that virtue is something that we acquire and are not just born with, people are not inherently good or bad, but become good or bad according to the habits they develop. Aristotle said that a virtue was a ‘Golden Mean’ in between to vices. These ‘Vices’ are two extremes of a scale at opposite ends, one of excess and one of deficiency. For example the vices would be shamelessness and shyness, and the virtue modesty. Another example of this would be rudeness and a sense of humour as the two vices and the virtue as wittiness. Such virtues must be cultivated, we must learn when to use certain virtues and to what extent, for example we must not ever use humour in excess to act like a fool, but at the same time we must also not pass into rudeness. Two philosophers, Anscombe and MacIntyre say that there has been a mistake in how virtues have been portrayed. The majority of people look at the actions a person does to judge whether they are virtuous or not. The way in which we behave provides an opportunity for others to judge our virtues and vices. This however is not right. People should look at the character within and  look at what the person believes is right and how they think they should help people instead of what they do to help. A famous example of a virtuous person is Mother Theresa. She helped millions of suffering people across the world and for this became well known as a virtuous person. There are hundreds of other virtuous people who would have liked to have helped but were unable to do so in such a huge way who are not considered as virtuous, but these people are just as virtuous but not recognised for it. Aristotle tells us that we are most likely to learn virtuous behaviour from watching others. If we experience others being kind to us and see the happiness it creates we are more likely to practice it then if we were just told to do it. For example, if we were told to be courageous we may occasionally stand up for small things that we disagree with, but if we see someone telling others off for not doing the right thing then we are more likely to not allow bad behaviour towards ourselves. Aristotle said that the best way of becoming virtuous was to follow in the footsteps of a virtuous person, e.g. Mother Theresa and do what they do. Virtue Ethics is relative; Aristotle recognised that virtues in one country may not be the same as virtues in another. He believed that there was no absolute platonic good beyond our world. As virtues have evolved through habits of society it is probable that different societies would deem different actions good or bad. However there is no difference between the virtues of a community and individuals within that community, the supreme happiness that Aristotle talks about is one for the community, and not just and individual. MacIntyre suggests that philosophy is too far removed from ordinary life and said that it is not good enough that philosophers spend their time debating the nature of ethical language or forming reasoned theories of morality in a way that is far removed from real people and real life. All actions are done in order to reach an aim. A successive series of actions are also for an aim, for example getting up in to morning to go to work, is to make money, is to feed our families is to go on nice holidays is to but them nice things etc. all ultimate aims is to make people happy, everything is subordinate to the supreme good, which is happiness. Everyone has  different ideas of what happiness is and different things all make different people happy, and Aristotle called this feeling of all round well being eudemonia. Therefore, Virtue Ethics concentrates on what a person is then what a person does. Its aim is to achieve something, which people genuinely want rather then being based on arguably incoherent ideas about the after-life. It is a system, which can be easily applied and understood by all. It fits into a variety of philosophies, and religions, which both do and don’t include God. However, there are a few problems with Virtue Ethics. Ones of these which has been pointed out by MacIntyre is that although a virtue is the ‘golden mean’ between two vices it cannot be applied to all virtues. Virtues such as promise keeping, loyalty, and compassion do not fall between any two vices and so Aristotle’s theory of this does not really work. Another problem with this theory is that it is of little help to people faced with a moral dilemma. It does not help them make a decision like other theories such a natural law or utilitarianism.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A strategic analysis of Proctor and Gamble

A strategic analysis of Proctor and Gamble The path that leads them to achieve their goals every company has to follow And objectives which could be achievable by research, reexamine, data analysis, planning and carrying out. And to do all these, a business concern has to implement certain tools to fig out the existing scheme or and to do all these, a business organization concern has to implement certain tools to fig out the existing scheme. This procedure known by strategic analysis, acts like a light house to the organizations. Proctor & Gamble is one of the pioneer names in the consumer commodity epoch. They have been reigning in this sector for last 173 old age with rely. This written report is produced to review their strategic position and this report is produced to reexamine their strategic position PURPOSE AND PREFACE: Understanding of the environment in which an organization is operating strategic analysis is a theoretically informed, Of the organizations interaction with its environment in order to ameliorate orga nizational efficiency together with an understanding and Effectiveness by increasing the organizations capacity to deploy and effectualness by increasing the organizations capacity to deploy. Strategically added value to the carrying out of a concrete scheme to gain sustainable competitive advantage by analyzing. This report is carry owed to applying appropriate tools of strategic analysis to appraise ‘Proctor & Gamble’s Industrial environment and fig out the competitive position and operational. Proctor & Gamble Of their wide ambit of consumer commodity an American company which is globally renowned because HISTORY OF â€Å"Proctor & Gamble† Nearly serving the human beings for about 173 old. 4 billion consumer’s in the globe today where about 135,000 people are working for them they are serving and P&G has their own organization system in 80 countries in globe. They acquired the biggest broadened manpower in the human beings where about 140 nationalities people are working for them PROCTOR AND GAMBLE – BACKGROUND In 1887 they came up wad Innovation of earnings sharing program and later 1940’s they started carrying outs of consumer relations department. And in 1980’s IN the consumer relations department carrying out of e mail and IN 2002 they Developing feminine aggrandizes â€Å"naturella’ and later 2005 they came up around the high globally frequence stores. METHODLOGY In various fashion strategic analysis differs. But the various ascribes that are commonly accepted are as follows. -To formulation of scheme relevant data identification that is related. -Internal environment and analyzing the external. In the analysis different methods that are applied. -To apply to analyze the organization are as follows different methods that’s going to be SWOT Analysis Ansoff matrix. Generic strategies Value chain The uses of these analytical strategic tools will be used later on to see the organization’ s trading operations and the applies of these analytical strategic tools will be used later on to see the organization’s operations Proctor and gamble – swot analysis: Swot analysis is the strategic tools to understand the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and menaces of an organization or dweeb analysis is the strategic tools to understand the strength, failings, chances and menaces of an organization. Swot analysis of proctor and gamble are as follows:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Autism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Autism - Essay Example It is because of these reasons that autism has been deemed as one of the most complex and difficult developmental disorders with which families might have to deal with and family members of such children are often perceived to experience negative psychological effects (Gupta & Singhal, 2005). Dealing with traumatic events that are outside one’s control is one of the biggest challenges of life. With no possibility of lessening or eradicating the causes of stress, such circumstances require tactics where one transforms the self to fit the situation. It is important to understand the ways in which families deal with such circumstances as these are essential to cognitive paradigms of stress and coping frequently applied to families of children with disorders. Interventions concentrating on parents’ coping mechanisms have revealed encouraging results. These treatments utilize concepts from stress and coping paradigms to enhance parent education in problem solving and decisio n-making, communicative abilities, ability to contact and make use of social networks, and coping mechanisms such as encouraging self-statements, self-praise and relaxation (Gupta & Singhal 2005). A number of factors effect families’ experience of having a young individual with certain mental, emotional or physical disability and it is significant to keep in mind the distinctive requirements of each family, when deciding on the type of support being provided. Various factors such as cultural values of the family, socio-economic status, level of the disability, and amount of social support, type of family structure, and geographic location are significant when formulating and applying effective treatment programmes. All or any of these factors can improve or restrict the success of a treatment and emphasize the need for individualization. Thus the amount and kind of programs should be according to the needs of the individual family unit (Gupta & Singhal 2005). Research suggest s that the number of children being red-flagged with autism is increasing. This increase might be to some extent due to enhanced assessment techniques or better knowledge of autism and other developmental disorders and of behaviours of autistic children. This disturbing increase in the number of children evidently requires for added facilities to fulfil the needs of these children and their families (Barnard, et al. 2002). From the developmental systems perspective, children are members of numerous social networks. These networks are created and are implemented by socio-cultural beliefs. Vygotsky, in relation to people with developmental disorders, suggested that the various aspects of development are quite similar in people with mental retardation and other disorders. He deemed working together as vital for the growth of improved psychological processes, and highlighted the significance of children working together in different groups (Vygotsky, 1993). Active participation of paren ts in the treatment programmes is increasing in the contemporary world. This involvement of parents has proven to be successful in educating parents to teach a number of skills to their children, especially play and communication skills. Increasing participation of parents during this stage, by giving extra information and incorporating them in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Mental Health Nursing Mental Status Exam on a mental health patient Essay

Mental Health Nursing Mental Status Exam on a mental health patient - Essay Example The patient herself does not have an extensive prior hospitalization history. She does have history of: depression, hypertension, diabetes. Treatment recommendations are: management per psychiatry. She does not have any prior history of mental illness or a family history of mental illness. She is a retired school teacher, and worked for nearly 40 years before retiring. There is nothing in her professional record to indicate any psychiatric problems. Though she does claim that she has been depressed all her life, Interviews with family members indicate a person who is generally lived a balanced life . Though she and her husband never had any children and had only each other for company, they seemed generally to be a normal old couple. Financially, while they were not very well off, They seemed generally comfortable. She says she is in the hospital because she is losing weight and is overwhelmed with things at home. Her husband died while both of them where in the hospital , he was sic k for a very long time with cancer in his lungs and he never went to the doctor because they had no insurance and no money for doctor visits. She went in because she was dehydrated and getting sick. She feels now that her husband is gone that once she gets back home that she is going to be overwhelmed and have no idea how to take care of the herself, the house and bills.

Blogs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Blogs - Essay Example However, what we miss to realize is that those who fail to make a good impression does not necessarily translate to someone’s real potential at something. Just like today’s notion of a not so service-centric yet title focused notion of leadership, I would say that this diminishes the impact of leadership to people & society as a whole. What society misconstrues is that it looks at leadership closely based on what it is called, highlighting the role of being a â€Å"leader† instead of looking at it as a responsibility of being able to lead a group with different capacities, beliefs & personalities. With this said, I would say that the most effective leader is measured not only based on whether a certain goal is achieved but most importantly, how one imparted wisdom & helped each member of a team to perform significantly in a group. As it is said, it is not only the destination that counts, but also the journey where all the learning happens. The first clear shot each of us had on leadership would probably be in school when we are required to work in groups for a certain project. Though each of us have different experiences what is common to all would be the fact that in the real world, some people would have to take on the role of a leader while others as followers. Though a lot of us still have not learned to appreciate the beauty of a follower’s role, one of the things that we might miss from focusing too much on taking the role of a leader would be the fact that being a follower intensely shapes one’s character more than being a leader. Why? Well, first of all, being a follower which is invisibly looked down on in society would teach one to be humble especially when one gets his or her first run on obedience. Aside from which, what makes it even harder would be when you encounter a situation where your adrenaline knows deep down that your idea is better than what is being presented but you have to submit just because

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility of Microsoft Corporation Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility of Microsoft Corporation - Essay Example Corporate Social Responsibility of Microsoft Corporation Corporate social responsibility indicates the concept whereby the business organizations, along with their business activities, aims to address the social and environmental issues through interacting with stakeholders at various levels and integrating business process with socio-environmental orientation. In this report, the inclination of the world famous technology company, Microsoft Corporation towards their corporate social responsibility will be investigates. Microsoft Corporation is the leading developer, manufacturer, licence provider and seller of computer software, hardware and services in the whole world. As on 2014, this America based company has generated revenue of US$ 93.58 billion and is responsible for employment of 118,584 individuals throughout the world (Microsoft Corporation, 2014). Naturally, in order run such widespread business, the business organization is required to interact with various entities in the global environment and society at large. Microsoft Corporation started operating in the computer software and electronics industry of United States in 1975. The founder, Mr. Bill Gates has driven the organization so efficiently that within a short span of time, it conquered the whole world. The company is renowned for its software products such as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Skype, Xbox etc. and services such as MSN, Bing, and Outlook etc. Xbox is considered to be the flagship hardware product for Microsoft Corporation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financing the Short Term Obligations of The Business Assignment - 1

Financing the Short Term Obligations of The Business - Assignment Example b. Retained earnings Retained earnings are profits that have been retained within the business for use in the operation of the business instead of being paid out as dividends to its shareholders. One of the operational uses of profits retained in the business is meeting the business short-term obligations. c. Capital Market Sourcing funds through the capital market simply meant getting additional funds through the issuance of new shares of stocks. If a company is unquoted, it simply has to obtain a Stock Exchange quotation to be able to issue shares of stocks to raise funds for the operation of the business (Macdonald and Cheng 1997). d. Financial leases Finance leases are lease agreements between the user of the leased asset (the lessee) and a provider of finance (the lessor) during the leased asset’s useful life (Macdonald and Cheng 1997). This arrangement is usually resorted to in obtaining fixed assets whereby a creditor agrees to act as the lessor by purchasing the asset and lease it to a company. The company will then use the asset and make regular payments to the creditor under the team of the lease (Macdonald and Cheng 1997). II. ... In fiscal year 2009, it experienced a slowdown due to the adverse macroeconomic conditions that includes high unemployment rate caused by the financial crisis in addition to H1N1 pandemic. It still managed to increase its net earnings during the year of comparison (2009). Liquidity Ratio Current Ratio (Current assets/current liability) Current assets (in million) 370.6 Current liabilities 482.3 Current ratio .76 Acid test (Cash + Accounts Receivable + Short-term investment/current liability) Cash 121.7 Accounts Receivable 130 + Total cash and equivalents 251.7 Current liability 482.3 / Acid ratio .52 Efficiency Creditor days 16.78 (see appendix) Debtor days (debt/salesx365 days) 67.5 million/2,537.4 million x 365 days =9.7 days Inventory turnover = 0 (see appendix) McDonalds McDonald's is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 33,000 local restaurants serving nearly 68 million people in 119 countries each day (McDonalds 2012). It is headquartered in the US and derives its revenue mainly from rent, royalties and fees paid by its franchises in addition to the company sales. McDonalds is also one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Financial Analysis Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio (Current assets/current liability) Current assets(in millions) 3,416 Current liabilities 2,988.70 / Current ratio 1.14 Acid test (Cash + Accounts Receivable + Short-term investment/current liability) Cash 1,796.0 Accounts receivable 1,060.4 + Total 2,856.4 Current liabilities 2,988.70 / Acid test ratio .96 Efficiency Creditor days 18.44 (see appendix) Debtor days (debt/salesx365 days) 181 million/22,744.70 million x 365 days =9.7 days Inventory turnover = 117 Summary 2009 Burger King McDonalds Current Ratio .76 1.14

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research Paper on the Psychology of Women Essay

Research Paper on the Psychology of Women - Essay Example en from an early age many times determines the type of vocation and thus pay scale women may believe they must conform to and be satisfied with instead of being determined by their own inherent talents and aptitude for learning. Though females comprise almost half of the workforce, they are bunched together in professions that are traditionally viewed as ‘women’s jobs’ which usually means they receive less compensation for their efforts (U.S. Department of Labor, 2003). The labor force is a system that is segregated on the basis of gender. In 2003, of those employed as administrative assistants and secretaries, more than 96 percent were women who also comprise more than 80 percent of elementary and middle school teachers while 90 percent of those employed in the nursing profession are women according to the Women’s Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor. These figures support previous studies that confirm the propensity for women to select educational paths and subsequently careers which historically have been deemed by society as the proper role for women (Hopkins & McManus, 1998). Conversely, few women can be found employed in typical ‘blue collar’ vocations that re quire higher levels of physical exertion. For instance, only about 12 percent of all law enforcement officials, eight percent of civil, three percent of construction workers and two percent of electricians are women (U.S. Department of Labor, 2003). The same gender bias prevails in certain areas of intellectual endeavors as well. For example, according to the October 1990 issue of Notices, â€Å"of the 991 doctorates awarded in mathematics by institutions in the U.S. and Canada in 1989-1990, 18 percent of which were awarded to women† (Schafer, 1991). While the lack of women employed in more physical jobs can be explained at least to some degree, the reasons that women are not usually considered as equals to their male counterparts in the sciences and mathematics fields is more of a

Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Ethical Beliefs Essay Example for Free

My Ethical Beliefs Essay As I sat down to write this paper, I really struggled to get it started with this definition. It is one of those things that if spoken about, you know what it is, but the minute you are asked to break it down, the task is not easy. I guess I will begin by saying that ethics is what is generally accepted as right, or correct. Even though ethics are usually use simultaneously with morals, I think morals are more inherited and personal while ethics are what the majority of people in one culture deem to be ethical. In a way, ethics are like a set of rules that govern human behaviors and serve as a basis for right conduct principles. After reviewing the ethical approaches, a few stood out to me as being relevant to my personal beliefs. The first that I recognized was the justice approach for its use of fairness. When I am trying to resolve a problem I always try to weigh the good with the bad as in this approach. The justice approach ultimately asks the question, â€Å"Is this a fair distribution of benefits and burdens?†, which I think is just that. You have to consider how much good or harm will come of your decision. I think that this approach is very important to apply in the classroom. I learned that fair and just does not always mean everyone gets what they want. There are going to be plenty of times when a situation will not have a solution that makes everyone happy, but that is where the justice approach comes into play. In the classroom, I think it is important for teachers to sometimes take their emotions out of a situation and really see it for what it is instead of thinking who will be mad or upset about a decision. For example, if there are ten students out of a class of 30 that can not complete a project on the day it was due for any reason even though it had been clearly set with time in advance, then according to this approach, the teacher may push the due date further down since all the students would benefit from it and the students grades would be harmed if it was not changed. However, the teacher might offer the students that did the project on time to have extra credit or might just penalize the ten students slightly in order to keep it fair for everyone. The other approach that sticks out to me was the one relating to virtues. I like to think that I am non judgemental and respect people’s beliefs but when it comes to making my own decisions, I definitely search within my own beliefs to make choices. The virtue approach asks if your decision reflects the person you want to be which or the views of an organization you represent. I try to hold myself up to a high standard of morality and I find this approach matches that concept well. Every teacher has their own unique style of teaching and their own beliefs, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is actually very important for students to experience different type of people as their teachers so that they can experience how different people can be. When it comes to this virtues approach, I feel like this concept could be hard to implement. Not always, but I believe sometimes teachers have to put aside their own morals to deal with certain situations. But, on the other hand, I think going by this approach can also be helpful, if a teacher has good morals, they are more likely to make good decisions. An example of this could be in a situation where a student acts out in class but you know it is a result of a negative situation that occurred in their home. In most cases, a teacher might scold that child and not take anything else into consideration, but if a teacher were to search into her/his own virtues and try to work out the situation with the student since they know it is not coming from a malicious place. There may be much more than just two options offered as a solution in any given situation. For this reason, teachers have the Florida Department of Education Code of Ethics by which we go by. This code of ethics is set up as a way to set a standard. Not everyone has the same set of morals and ethics but by writing this code the department of education they make it clear to all teachers that in order to work as a teacher in the state of Florida, then you must abide by their rules. The code holds teachers accountable for their actions without any gray areas. It is applied to all teachers in the public school system and affects them directly for that reason. As future teachers, we need to accept that even if we do not always agree with it, we have to abide by the rules in the code of ethics. The guide will dictate how to go about many of the situations we may encounter in our classrooms. Therefore, the Florida Department of Education Code of Ethics is vital to our profession.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Minimalism on Post-minimalist Movements

Impact of Minimalism on Post-minimalist Movements Early in 1960, Minimalism was as an abstract movement in the subject art. It also dismissed the very idea of both subjective as well as relational painting, the intricacy of Abstract expressionist facade, as well as the other elements of action painting such as the poignant polemics and zeitgeist. Minimalism debated upon the point that excessive simplicity captures the entire sublime representation which is a prerequisite in the art. Minimalism in painting is linked with painters like Frank Stella. It is opposed to the modernist movement but can be further interpreted as a forerunner to the post modern movement. Process Art During the mid 1960s, Process Art was regarded as a creative movement in Europe and the US. The drip paintings of Jackson Pollock have its roots. On the other hand, the employment of the blessing has marked coherence with Dada. The prominent themes in the process of art movement are transience and change. As per the Guggenheim Museum, in the year 1968, Robert Morris had a revolutionary exhibition and essay ascertaining the movement . The process artists were also a part of the issues attendant to the body, the improvisation and the random occurrences, as well as the liberating qualities of certain nontraditional materials like latex, wax and felt. Various techniques such as hanging, cutting and dropping and other organic processes like condensation, growth, decomposition or freezing is used to create various irregular, erratic and anomalous forms. Land Art Land art or earth art as an art movement gained popularity in the US in the late 1960s and 70s. Robert Smithson also called it as earthworks. In this form of art, the art work and the landscape are linked accordingly. Further, such form of art is created using natural paraphernalia like soil, pebbles, rocks (boulders, stones and bed rocks), other organic materials such as branches, leaves, logs and water, along with the introduced materials like metals, concrete, asphalt, other mineral pigments etc. The landscape is considered as the means of creation and hence the sculptures are not placed in it. Many a times, the earth moving equipment is also involved. The works are located away from the civilization and most often, exist in the open, in order to abrade under the natural conditions. The initial works, created in the deserts of New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Utah are only present as photographs and video recordings as these were evanescent in nature. THE MOST RADICAL CHALLENGE TO TRADITIONAL CONCEPTS OF SCULPTURE The perceptual as well as structural changes in the forms define a new movement in the art. The changes further make the movement innovative. However, if we consider Robert Morris essays Notes on Sculpture, then the prominent changes in the form are just the distinct extensions of a mere change in the relevance. Post the year 1945, changes in global politics and the recognition of a mans disastrous capacity as witnessed via holocaust and other atomic warfare had sparked off a restructuring of the relevance in art. The other gestural and organic forms of Abstract Expressionism were a result of the surrealism of the years of pre-war, similarly like the art of the 1950s era, which held a place of prominence for almost a decade. Further, the art of 1960s also witnessed an innovative restructuring, which was based upon a change in theoretical, social and other various political practices. The stirring art of the 1950s, 60s and 70s found relevance in the necessity of reconstituting the object as art. Moreover, a new stress upon the object, the adjuration of the allusion as well as metaphor, also finds its traces in several movements of the 60s as well as 70s. The conventional and traditional forms of painting and sculpture had also undergone a transformation. Moreover, the artistic expression of new forms of Fluxes and Conceptual Art also witnessed a restructuring. In 1960s and 1970s, the Post Minimalism and Minimalism as well as the land art forms of sculpture came into existence. These underwent a complete transformation in terms of perception, form and structure. The contemporary concepts of sculpture were contributed by each movement, individually. Minimalism being the first among the movements, called to question the various traditional concepts of spatial concerns, figuration and the originality of the artist. Moreover, by conducting an investigation of the change in the form as well as to how the change in the minimalist sculpture was viewed upon, its evident that the most vital challenge to the traditional concepts of sculpture were provided by Minimalism and further, these also served as the effects on the aesthetics of Post-Minimalism and Land Art. Minimalism helped in bringing the concepts of sculpture which were traditional in nature, so as to understand the challenge. It made the understanding of the arts under the category of Minimalism. The beginning of Minimalism in the year 1960s was a jargon which was associated with 5 various artists:- Donald Judd, Robert Morris, Dan Flavin, Carl Andre, and Sol LeWitt. In spite of the fact that the work of all the artists had same and general attributes, none of them accepted the title of Minimalist, probably for the reason that it connoted a reduction in the form. Further, the attributes which governed the Minimalist art were theoretical as well as formal as minimalism stripped the personal forms, gestures and focus on the object. The changes towards essential and strong forms was a denial of the illusory and the descriptive work during 1950s and was further expressed via using geometric and other rigid patterns. Since the symmetrical and geometrical are the kind of forms which are ea sily perceived in ones mind, Morris states that the stress upon Geometric was a pretty natural tendency while one drives towards a higher concreteness. The evolution from the gestural and illusory forms during the 1950 does justify the three dimensionality of Minimalist art. In his essay Specific Objects, Donald Judd tells that the three-dimensionality of works forms an original space and also removes the obstacle of illusion which is found in the conventional forms of European artistic tradition. Though the application of perspective helps in creating an allusion of space in the painting, the three dimensional forms on the other hand, help in removing every kind of allusion, thereby just leaving behind the object. Judds ideas were not new concepts entirely. The concern of Minimalist for the object got originated in flags and targets of Jasper Johns who discarded the figure-ground relationship which was found in the traditional paintings by making the extension of the object represented at the canvas edges and by blurring the lines in between the objects and subjects represented. The discarding of the figure ground relationship was done by Frank Stella who deployed the notion that a painting is just what one sees and his painting was based upon the same. Judd and Stella also laid emphasis upon the sentiment of wholeness in their work. The whole idea for Stella was a complete visual work and to view the whole idea was to view the paint on the canvas. Donald Judds work on the other hand required maintenance of a sense of wholeness, which he believed was lacking in the traditional form of sculptures. Judd in his writings on new sculptures of 1960s asserts that the image, shape, surface and color are not scattered or dispersed, but are rather single in the Minimalist sculpture. Further, there are no moderations in parts and areas, as well as any sort of transitional and connections areas. Nothing is neutral as well. Judd also worked upon the simple and plain forms in order to create unity in the pieces. Moreover, his notion of wholeness via structure and form was also exemplified in the year 1969. Despite the fact that the work comprised ten separate forms which were attached to the wall, all the forms were regarded and read as one piece . The unity to work is also provided by monochrome copper surface as well as the geometric forms repetition. Further, the space in between the mounted units reverberate the measurements of ten copper forms and are read as an element of the sculpture. The Untitled 1969 still remains like an object, inhabiting the three dimensional area of the gallery. During the 1960s, Judd laid stress on the three-dimensionality as well as a prominent aspect of the aesthetic minimalist sculptural, which was involved with the extremely popular theoretical and philosophical practices of structuralism and phenomenology during 60s. Further, the investigation of the functions of a form in space and that how a human beings behavior is resolved by different structures was the basic aspect of the minimalist sculpture. Moreover, Minimalism not only focused upon both, the object as well as how an art object is ancillary to its environment, context and placement for its reception and meaning. Minimalist sculpture and its relationship with the spatial environment is probably the most profound challenge which the Minimalism had presented to already existing ideas of sculpture. Minimalism left the focus on verticality by fully discarding the plinth and focused on the horizontality of forms, unlike the traditional sculptures which were represented as abiding their very space on the plinth. The shocking work by Carl Andre, Equivalent 1966 had replaced the plinth with a certain sculpture which re-echoed the shape of plinth. The sculpture abolishes the traditional beliefs of vertical, upright and figurative representation of the sculpture, as it is made from mass produced firebricks and is placed in horizontal rows. The viewer can inhabit the temporary space, as its placed on the floor directly and is also removed from the plinth for there remains no spatial difference in the gallery floor, the art work and the space inhabited by the onlooker. By eliminating the base and shifting the directionality of sculpture, Minimalism drastically altered the relationship not only between the sculpture and the surrounding space but also the relationship between the sculpture and the viewer. Minimalist sculpture also examined various other phenomenological sensations via structure and material of work, apart from exploring the spatial relationships and three dimensionality. Dan Flavin makes use of light to create space and to articulate in his work Monument for V. Tatlin, 1966. Flavin examines the creation as well as continuing of the space via elaborate plays on shadow and light. The sculptures castes a phenomenological affect on the onlooker as the effects of color and light changes the space which is inhabited by the sculpture. Monument for V. Tatlin, 1966 highlights the interest of Minimalist in using new industrial materials similarly Like Andres Equivalent VIII, 1966, but it also lacks specificity of origin. The materials produced in mass such as metal sheets, fluorescent bulbs and firebricks aided the Minimalist artists in creating works where the artists presence was obscure. The Minimalist aesthetic tends to be inclined towards an artists persona, unlike Abstract Expressionism. It was geared more towards the artists absence and also offered a thorough disconnection in between the work and the artist. The Minimalist artists Donald Judd and Sol Le Witt created a sculpture with the approach of anti-rationalism where the expressions of the artist were the most important, rather than the way of expressing them. Perhaps this was the influence of the 1979s Barthes text Death of the Author. The impersonality of the Minimalist aesthetic is exemplified by the Five Open Geometric Structures. Sol LeWitt, in his w ork has maintained a notion of impersonality by carving detailed instructions of the art works which are needed to be carried out by his assistants. LeWitt also created instructions for the forms in the Five Open Geometric Structures, but he didnt took part in any of the aspect of their construction. The artists correlation with the work was eliminated completely, thus leading to a drastic makeover of the artists physical presence in the work of Jackson Pollock and the Abstract Expressionists. For claiming Minimalism as one of the most fundamental affront of the traditional sculpture, it is necessary to also examine Minimalism in the historical context which is much wider. During the 1960s Minimalism was regarded as the new sculpture. It was also essential to recognize that the contents of Minimalism were also present in the earlier as well as the other artistic movements. The focus of Minimalisms on the object was a notion which was also pioneered by Jasper Johns. Exploring the spa ce and other scenarios can also be traced to various other artists and sculptors, which also include Anthony Caro, the one who challenged traditional sculptures verticality. The boxes of Joseph Cornell were not similar to that of Donald Judds cubes as far as exploring the phenomenological was concerned as the former was working on smaller scale. Minimalism was made fundamental by the combination of the ideas that were brought forth via earlier forms of sculpture and the fact that the combination of these ideas was manifested in just a single aesthetic sculpture. Therefore the notions of visual and form perception were brought together by Minimalism, which at the same time also examined the philosophical and theoretical guidelines of anti-rationalism, phenomenology and structuralism, by making use of the new industrial materials. The Land art can also be read as highly fundamental sculpture during 60s and 70s, if the association of phenomenological with immensity is recalled, in spit e of the formal differences of traditional sculpture and a reference to the ecological movements and the contemporary environment. CONCLUSION By determining the impact of Minimalism upon Post-Minimalist movements of the late 60s and 70s as well as Land Art, it is evident that though Minimalism was deprived off its stimulus during the late 1960s, the reactions as well as the ideas of the movement afflicted the forms which were assumed by the later sculpture. Morris in his essay Notes on Sculpture, explains that art undergoes constant changes in its structure and perception. His notion of the perpetual change is considered the best way of examining a basic impact of Minimalism upon the traditional notions of sculpture. The emergence of minimalism during 1960s also witnessed a rise of civil rights and feminist liberation. However, despite a change in the form, the idea of the process and the Vietnam war was regarded as a completely different era unlike the consumer -oriented and the conservative one. The 1960s object of primary importance was replaced by the notion of fragment and process. Minimalism had to suffer due to a re structuring of the probable relevance of the object. However in spite of the change in the form and implementing the new materials, the creations after 1960s used the knowhow of Minimalist aesthetic and hence the involvement and understanding of Minimalism and Land Artist , as well as Post-Minimalists describes the influence of radical Minimalism for creation of sculptures during the 1960s and 70s era.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Perceptions of Mental Illness Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Perceptions of Mental Illness Throughout this course, much of what we have discussed has depended strongly on an interpretation of scientific information. We have questioned, criticized, accepted, rejected, and formed our own ideas about topics in neural and behavioral science. A book which I have read recently seems to fit in with this type of discussion. Blaming the Brain, by Eliot Valenstein, describes the major biological theories of mental illness and the lack of evidence we have to fully support them. What Valenstein argues is that we have come to a point where we accept all mental illness as purely biological in origin, and have discarded older ideas about social and psychological effects, rather then attempting to see how these two different types of explanations fit together. While some may argue that this shift has helped to significantly de-stigmatize mental illness, it also has caused a neglect of important factors which must play a role in these disorders. In 1999, in a report by the Surgeon General, it was stated that research into the biology of the brain is "a potent antidote to stigma," but it was also emphasized that psychotherapy not be forgotten as it sometimes plays a large role in recovery. Finding middle ground: Although we do not know all there is to know about disorders of the nervous system, I believe that it is very plausible that mental illness is mostly the result of disturbances in the nervous system. Although in extreme situtions, some claim things like, "it reduces a complex human activity to a slice of damaged brain tissue" (4). I wouldn't go this far to assume that this is all there is to it, although I also don't believe that all mental illnesses can fit into the same box. While s... ... fallacies of no-fault addiction!xrn_5_0_A53551866%3Fsw_aep%3Dbrynmawr_main&cont=&msg=No+Session+cookies&sserv=no 5)Schizophrenia!xrn_5_0_A53551866%3Fsw_aep%3Dbrynmawr_main&cont=&msg=No+Session+cookies&sserv=no 6) Scientists Call for End to Neurology-Psychiatry `Divide' Valenstein, Eliot. (1998). Blaming the Brain. New York: The Free Press

Lasers And Their Uses :: essays research papers

Lasers and Their Uses We have all at some point in our lives used or seen someone use a laser. They are used in compact disc players for stereos or computers, laser surgery, laser printers, holography, cutting and borring metals, communication, bar-code scanners, etc. Over the past three decades' lasers have become a tool used daily by many people and they have become very useful in scientific research. As you can see lasers are a very useful and important tool which is why I have chosen this topic to write about. The term laser is an acronym. It stands for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation". They produce a narrow, intense beam of coherent light. In a laser the atoms or molecules of a crystal, like ruby or garnet-or of a gas, liquid, or other substance-are excited so that more of them are at higher energy levels than are at lower energy levels. If a photon whose frequency corresponds to the energy difference between the excited and ground states strikes an excited atom, the atom is stimulated, as it falls back to a lower energy state, to emit a second photon of the same frequency, in phase with and in the same direction as the bombarding photon. This process is called stimulated emission. The bombarding photon of the emitted photon may then strike other excited atoms, stimulating further emission of photons, all of the same frequency and phase. This process produces a sudden burst of coherent radiation as all the atoms discharge in a rapid chain reaction. The light beam produces is usually pencil thin and maintains its size and direction over very long distances. Lasers vary greatly in the way they look and what they are used for. Some lasers are as large as buildings while others can be the size of a grain of salt. There are many parts to lasers. I will now explain what they are and their uses. 1) Pumping systems: The pumping system is used to transmit energy to the atoms or molecules of the medium used in the laser. a. optical pumping systems uses photons provided by a source such as a Xenon gas flash lamp or another laser to transfer energy to the lasing material. The optical source must provide photons which correspond to the allowed transition levels of the lasing material. b. collision pumping relies on the transfer of energy to the lasing material by collision with the atoms or molecules of the lasing material. Again, energies which correspond to the allowed transition must be provided. This often done by electrical discharge in a pure gas - or gas mixture - in a tube.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Diversity of Education Essay -- College University Education Essays

Diversity of Education Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated, â€Å"Most†¦think that education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so that they can forever trample over the masses. Still others think that education should furnish them with noble ends rather than means to an end.† What Dr. King was getting at in The Purpose of Education is that education holds many different values for many different people. How can we go about determining one standard value of a college education for a country so recognized for its diversity? Also, is it really true that everyone in our divergent society has an equal opportunity to attend a university? We cannot ignore the fact that the characteristics that separate us will ultimately have a profound impact on both our individual opportunities for and values of a university education. A kid growing up in poverty does not have near the same probability of graduating from a university as a wealthy individual does, and each learns to value post high school education accordingly. Do you think most poor hungry kids are going to think about college after seeing flashy drug dealers from their own neighborhoods driving Benzes, wearing designer clothes, loaded with jewelry, and toting matching Rolex watches? They know this kind of life is morally wrong, but do you think they would rather see their families continue to live like rats? Many of these kids have already dropped out of high school to better support their families by working a full time job. So many times funding is not the only problem. Sure, they could probably get financial aid to go to college and make even more money in four to six years, but hungry stomachs and overdue rent payments just can’t wai... ...cation to a much lesser extent. They usually go on to live a comfortable life, but they sadly remain stuck in their characterless world of superficiality. Lower class students learn to value their education the most, but rarely get the opportunity to do so. They end up as the realest people with the most heart, but go on to live life struggling. So the winners are those who find the perfect balance of opportunity and value, and in my opinion they are the middle class students. These students not only grow intellectually, but they also grow to improve a great deal in character. If these students can make it past the strenuous college years, they will go on to live a special balance of comfortable living along with a good personality. Life does not always appear to be fair, but sometimes we think we are losing life’s battle when we are actually winning its war.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations Paper Essay

There are different scenarios with three different forms of entities that require taking control, taxation, and possible liability issues into account. These considerations will not only serve to ensure compliance is met but also so that each establishment is protected. In the first scenario Lou and Jose plan to open a restaurant/sports bar, the issue is that they have not accumulated of the money, but Miriam, a prosperous investor is willing to contribute the funds although she doesn’t have time to be physically involved in the business. In the second scenario Frank happens to be a wealthy investor who has a strategy to open up a chain of exterminating businesses throughout the United States. The third scenario is Akiva and Tara wants to open a licensed obstetrician office, they will take out a loan for startup costs. The fourth and final scenario a construction company is hiring and has specific job requirements that must be met in order to be selected as the final candidate. Restaurant/Bar Lou and Jose plan to open a sport bar/restaurant, a place where customer will be able to socialize while watching sports on large-screen TVs. The major issue is that Lou and Jose do not have the funds to put these plans to action. But they do know of a wealthy investor Miriam, who is willing to invest her wealth in making the sport bar/restaurant happen. Miriam doesn’t have much time to be involved in the day to day operation but is willing provide capital in return for a percentage of ownership. It is at Lou’s and Jose’s best interest to make their business a Limited Partnership business. A limited partnership is the best option for Lou and Jose since they have one partner who will invest capital but will not participate in management (Cheeseman, 2010). In order to do so Lou and Jose must file for a certificate of Limited Partnership through the secretary of state and must comply with the statutory requirement of the RULPA (Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act) (Cheeseman, 2010). Once the certificate of limited partnership is filed a limited partnership is formed. Each partner will be responsible for filing his or her own tax information and they will also be responsible for the reporting of the company tax information as a whole. Extermination business scenario Frank is a prosperous investor who would like to open a chain of exterminating businesses throughout the United States. Since Frank is interested in opening several establishments throughout the United States, the best option for him would be to have his business set up as a franchise business. In his particular case a chain-style franchise would be more beneficial as this would allow each establishment to make and sell its services to the public in the different parts of the country. Frank as the franchisor would be responsible for his own contracts and torts and the franchisee is liable for his own contracts and torts. Each prospect franchisee would have to apply with franchisor for a franchise. If approved the parties would enter a franchise agreement and the franchisor and franchisee would be set up as separate entities. Therefore each operation owner is responsible for filing his or her tax documents and ensuring that they are in compliance. Professional Practice Akiva and Tara have completed all the requirements needed for them to open up their own obstetrician’s office. Since Akiva and Tara are just newly out of the medical field, I think that they may want to consider having an LLC. A limited liability company (LLC) is an unincorporated business entity that combines the most favorable attributes of general partnerships, limited partnerships, and corporations. An LLC is taxed as a partnership unless it chooses to be taxed as a corporation, the owners can manage the business, and the owners have limited liability. Many entrepreneurs who begin new businesses choose the LLC as their legal form for conducting business† (Cheeseman, 2010. P. 267). An LLC is a separate legal unit (or legal individual) separate from its associates. LLCs can sue or be sued by people who have entered into a legal contract. Construction Scenario In this scenario Surebuild, Inc is a new construction company and Mei-Lin is the hiring manager and is found in the middle of a dilemma of which candidates to interview as she has specifically stated in the description that a high school diploma is required from that of the successful candidate. The first thing Surebuild, Inc needs to do is to hire a Human Resource Manager to ensure that Surebuild is in compliance with the federal, state, and local government. Regarding the applicants that have applied Surebuild needs to avoid making any decision that may violate discrimination of sex, age, origin of nationality. One of the applicants is Michelle, who is 35 years of age who shows to be pregnant and happens to be a high school graduate, and was once employed as a jackhammer operator. In this case Surebuild, Inc need to make sure there is no discrimination against Michelle since she is a female who happens to be pregnant or the company will be liable and probably sued. Especially because Michelle has met the requirement listed as a qualification for a successful candidate. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted to eliminate job discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Another applicant is Eric who is 55 years of age who has experience with a jackhammer without a high school diploma. In this case if the company is specifically looking for experience on the jackhammer they need to focus on that and make their decision based on the same and not on Eric’s age because then they would be committing discrimination against age. The defense the company can have is that Eric does not have a high school diploma a specific requirement that must be met. Felipe is a 38 year old applicant who does not speak any English and also has no high school diploma. The requirement for this position also states that the candidate is required to have a high school diploma, something Felipe does not have. The fact that Felipe does not speak English can be seen as a discrimination of origin of nationality but the company has proof that the applicant did not meet the requirements as he does not have a high school diploma. The last applicant is Nick a 23 year old college graduate who happens to be epileptic, and no experience with a jackhammer. Under the Title I of the ADA states that employment discrimination against individuals who are qualified with disabilities in respect to job application procedures, hiring compensation, training, promotion and termination is prohibited. Cheeseman, 2010. In this case the company should interview Nick as they would any possible candidate and make their determination based on their job requirements and the positions requirements. In this case he has more than a high school diploma but lacks the experience, he can be given training and possibly learn how to use a jackhammer but if the job cannot accommodate his epileptic condition and or will he be at a higher risk of injury because of the type of job then the company. Every company’s top priority for its employees is to ensure the safety of its employees and if Nick’s elliptical condition can cause severe injury to him or those around him while working on the jackhammer then the company needs to make a decision of not hiring Nick. Should they hire him with his condition and an accident takes place that cause’s major injury to Nick or another employee the company can be liable and required to pay the expenses, medical bills, and punitive damages. The company can possibly even be sued. Everyone business has a responsibility of ensuring that not only are they in compliance with the secretary of state when it comes to the proper registration of their business but they also have a huge responsibility to society, its employees, and to themselves. It is important that every business understand that there are federal, state, and local regulations they must abide by in order to avoid liability and possibly law suits. It is also important that they abide by them in order to give fair and proper treatment to its personnel as those are the individuals that drive the company and most of the times make it a successful business. This not only is beneficial to the company but to the employees and to our world economy.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Biblical Worldview Essay

Introduction In Romans we learn so many aspects of Christian’s life. It tells us how we as Christian’s should view the natural world, our identity and our relationship with others, our culture, and civilization. There is so much more we could learn from this book. In Romans 1-8 we will find that the information in it is so much that we will not get the full meaning of all the things it is saying unless we look deeper into it. Romans 1-8 takes us from our total inability to walk in good works, to God’s faithfulness in justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying us by our faith through God’s grace. The Natural World We all know that God through his own words formed the natural world. God spoke the universe and everything that existence in it. As Christian’s we should know this because as believers, we believe the bible is a revelation of God and that it is not just a book written by human hands. Paul writes in Romans 1:20-21 â€Å"For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by things that made, even in his eternal power and God head, so that they are without excuse, 21- because although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened†. God made everything and he is showing those that disrespect him in his face with their sin himself so that when they know that there is a God and he created everything. Human Identity Our human Identity of who we as a mankind is that we all were made in God’s image. God created us equally, but he also gives us the free will to choose to serve him or not. In Psalm 8:5 it says â€Å"For you have made him a little lower than the angels; and you have crowned him with glory and honor.† And in Genesis 2:15 â€Å"Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.† We have many things that are wrong with us that we can’t fix, so we need Jesus to justify, sanctify, and glorify us. We need all three those that we can be connected to Christ, live life, server  him and when we die we will get to enjoy eternal heaven with him, and have everlasting life. Human Relationship In Romans 12:8 it says â€Å"he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he shows mercy, with cheerfulness.† What that verse is saying to all Christians is that our ethic is based all on love. We as humans know that relationships very confusing and are hardest part of life. We all have a sin against own bodies and souls, but it is a sin that is against others who were created in God’s image. If you are going to steal from your neighbor you might as well steal from God. We were all created in his image and we need to love and respect others just like we would God. Culture Paul says in Romans 11 that God will save some in Israel because most of them were elect by the Patriarchs. Romans 12 says as Christians we are to live as a living sacrifice to Christ, while doing all these thing in love and showing our love to others through service. We as believers are to be humble and serve others with joy, as believers we are to work with others to Christ’s redemptive work. Christ is merciful, righteous, sovereign, and just God. He wants us to love another like he loves the world. Conclusion â€Å"No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 8:39.† It’s so refreshing to know that I can always count on God to love me. Even when I’m unable to love myself God will. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I can have a relationship with God, where and whatever I do, or say or think will never make him not love me. God will always love and be with me no matter what. God wants us to live for him. He also wants us to lead others to him. References New King James Version Bible (NJKB)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

‘Fortunate to survive so many enemies for so long’ – discuss this verdict of the Weimar, 1919-24

In November 1918, following the calamity of World War One, the authoritarian German Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced to abdicate. Two months later the Weimar was established. This new authority promised to rule more liberally, and brought hope of freedom and prosperity to the German people. However, from its birth in 1919 to its collapse, the Weimar Republic was to face many problems. Thus, the verdict that the Weimar was fortunate to survive would seem correct. The Weimar began its rule over a country in unfavourable circumstances with considerable deep-routed problems. These dated back to Imperial Germany, and were obvious even before the war. Germany had only been united since 1871. Social tensions had been created by rapid industrialisation that led to changes within the class system, as agriculturists were suspicious of industrial workers taking their place. Also, Germany's economy was behind; Britain had a larger navy, and colonial policy in Africa was not successful. This led to doubt concerning national efficiency. To make matters worse, Germany was run by a narrow elite who was unsympathetic to the hardships his people faced. Less that half a century later, the First World War further devastated Germany. The country encountered continual military defeats, army mutiny, low morale, poor living and working conditions, food shortages, a lack of consumer goods, inflation and much more. As a result of these pressing problems, the Weimar had little choice but to accept the terms of the ‘Treaty of Versailles'. This had devastating consequences for Germany. Weakening the country economically, Germany was compelled to give up much of its land including industrial regions such as Alsace Lorraine, surrender all of its colonies, dematerialise the Rhineland, disarm its army and eliminate its airforce, and pay reparations of i6,600 million. These things brought further hardship for the German people, as the country was continually drained of its wealth and resources. Socially stunting, Germany was forced to accept all responsibility for starting the war, and to accept article 231; the ‘War Guilt Clause'. This led to an overwhelmingly low morale. Politically, Germany was to have an Ally-friendly liberal government. This was a main cause of the introduction of a new constitution, and heavily influenced the style of the Weimar. The set-up of this new democratic government itself brought problems for Germany. The Weimar adopted a policy of proportional representation. This system worked effectively as long as the politicians were prepared to support the constitution. However, the President was given powers under article 48 which could, in times of ‘national emergency', be used to undermine the democratic constitution. This was often abused, and led to dictator-like rulers. Also, the new constitution meant that the Republic consisted of many small parties that had to work together in coalition governments with a proportional representation system. This did not work as the parties had very different political views, and so often couldn't agree on issues. As well as this, many parties within the Weimar actually disagreed with its existence. Leaders of the army, civil service and legal system disliked the new constitution. This lead to certain figures deliberately working against the Republic and stirred trouble in hope that it might fail. The most significant threat came from the President of the Republic from 1925, Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg. Thus, the Weimar itself led to further weakness in Germany. As well as internal enemies, the Weimar also faced a vast number of outer opposition groups. On the left of German politics, communists such as the Spartacists in 1919, attempted to overthrow the government. On the other extreme, monarchists like Wolfgang Kapp in 1920, or extreme nationalists attempted to destroy democracy in Germany. These revolutions undermined the Weimar, and rallied much opposition from the German people. The opposition also led to other flaws in the Weimar. For example, the Spartacist revolution resulted in the Eber-Groner pact, which was designed to protect Germany from Communism. However, this agreement represented a huge mistake made by Ebert and his SPD colleges in believing that the threat to the Republic came primarily from the left, when later the army wouldn't help protect the government against Hitler as he was right wing. Also, the very fact that the pact was needed showed that the Weimar was weak. The sum of these factors led to an overall weakness in the Weimar, though some are much more vital that others. Perhaps the most important was Treaty of Versailles, which led to social, economic, and most crucially political unrest as it also contributed to the success of the Weimar's opponents i. e. the slogan of the ‘November criminals', or the ‘War guilt clause' gave the Nazis a useful source of propaganda. Another vital weakness was constitution itself, which allowed both internal and external opponents to attack its weaknesses, such as proportional representation, or Article 48 which Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg used to undermine the Constituency. Also, many of the factors that led to the Weimar's weaknesses inter-link with one another, for example the lack of German unity partly resulted due to previous deep-routed problems of Imperial Germany, or the Spartacist revolt that resulted in the unsuccessful Eber-Groner pact. Yet, despite all of these varied problems, the Weimar remained, supporting the statement that it was ‘Fortunate to survive so many enemies for so long'. Yet, there were some factors that worked in favour of the Weimar i. e. many people were simply relieved to have change, and pleased that the soldiers were able to return home. Another helpful act is that in 1926 reparations were reduced, and assistance was given to Germany to help with re-building. Therefore, as well as simply withstanding defeat, the Weimar managed several accomplishments which led to an improvement the German people' way of life, for example the Constitution solved hyperinflation in 1923, and also improved foreign relations. Plus, after 1924 further improvements were made i. e. Dawes plan by Stresseman. Yet, overall the Weimar's weaknesses seem to out-weigh its strengths, and hence the statement seems to be an accurate interpretation.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Good Practice Physics Examples

HONORS PHYSICS CH. 14 WAVE PRACTICE PROBLEMS 1. The period of a wave is 0. 0300 seconds. It travels at a velocity of 10. 0 m/s. Determine the frequency and the wavelength. 2. A wave having a wavelength of 4. 0 meters and an amplitude of 2. 5 meters travels a distance of 24 meters in 8. 0 seconds. Determine the frequency and the period of the wave. 3. While hiking through a canyon, Noah Formula lets out a scream. An echo (reflection of the scream off a nearby canyon wall) is heard 0. 82 seconds after the scream.The speed of the sound wave in air is 342 m/s. Calculate the distance from Noah to the nearby canyon wall. 4. Mac and Tosh are resting on top of the water near the end of the pool when Mac creates a surface wave. The wave travels the length of the pool and back in 25 seconds. The pool is 25 meters long. Determine the speed of the wave. 5. An automatic focus camera is able to focus on objects by use of an ultrasonic sound wave. The camera sends out sound waves that reflect off d istant objects and return to the camera.A sensor detects the time it takes for the waves to return and then determines the distance an object is from the camera. The camera lens then focuses at that distance. Now that's a smart camera! In a subsequent life, you might have to be a camera; so try this problem for practice: If a sound wave (speed = 340 m/s) returns to the camera 0. 150 seconds after leaving the camera, then how far away is the object? 6. Find the wavelength of a 680-Hz tone in air, where the wave speed is 340 m/s. 7. Imagine a hiker camping in the mountains.Just before going to sleep he yells, â€Å"WAKE UP,† and the sound echoes off the nearest mountain, returning 8 h later. How far away is that mountain? 8. Harriet is told by her doctor that her heart rate is 70. 0 beats per minute. If Harriet’s average blood flow in the aorta during systole is 1. 5 x 10 -2 m/s, what is the wavelength of the waves of blood in Harriet’s aorta, created by her beati ng heart? 9. While flying to Tucson, Connie’s plane experiences turbulence that causes the coffee in her cup to oscillate back and forth 4 times each second.If the waves of coffee have a wavelength of 0. 1 m, what is the speed of a wave moving through the coffee? 10. Danielle is pushing her twin Dexter on a swing that hangs from a tree branch by 2. 0-m-long ropes. With what frequency will Danielle have to push Dexter when he swings? 11. In California, Clay is surfing on a wave that propels him toward the beach with a speed of 5. 0 m/s. The wave crests are each 20. m apart. A. What is the frequency of the water wave? B. What is the period?

Friday, September 13, 2019

Dependence of Suppliers on Multimodal Transport Essay

Dependence of Suppliers on Multimodal Transport - Essay Example As the supply chain lengthens and transport distance increases ICs must find more cost effective methods of shipment. In this competitive market, customers expect fast delivery and quality product and services at the lowest price possible. "Trade and transport are inextricably linked: efficient transport services are a prerequisite to successful trading" ("Multimodal "UN 2006, screen 1). To compete, ICs are turning to MTO operators to handle the complexity of logistics required to accomplish timely delivery of the finished product, a marketable product with an economic value to the customer ready to be used without the requirement of further alteration of its form, ("Product" 2005) also the most critical, direct link with the customer. The complexity of international transportation of finished product, goods and services shipped to the end user, has resulted in a lengthening international supply chain (ISC) comprised of economic, technology, social/legal and environment issues and innovations necessary to improve efficiency and effectiveness. (Trienekens et al. 2003). Figure 1 demonstrates an ISC Flow Chart. The main intent of the ISC is the smooth integration of suppliers and customers within one process from raw materials receipt to delivery of finished goods (end user product) to the customer. The continuum of the supply/demand cycle and increased innovations throughout the ISC create a two way dialogue at all stages of the chain increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Figure 1: ISC (Marlow 2004) As seen in Figure 1, the expanded ISC encompasses all process within a company and has further expanded to include vendors and customers all working in tandem: to maximise buying; materials management; production; and shipment to customers. This increased efficiency is accomplished through information sharing and seamless coordination of transportation - land, sea, rail and air, and of storage and handling between each phase of the transportation chain all handled by the MTO. Multimodal transport is the door-to-door service from supplier to customer in another country utilising multiple modes of transportation to effectively and efficiently ensure delivery. ("Multimodal" 2006;"Intermodal" 2006). The Multimodal Transport Operator is "any person whoconcludes a multimodal transport contract and assumes responsibility for the performance of the contract" ("Implementation" 2001, p.5). Critical Analysis: The Inter- Dependence of Finished-Product ISCs and MTOs Companies are relying more and more on MTOs which offer door-to-door service to meet customer needs while coordinating all logistics involved in multimodal use. (Coyle et al. 2003) One factor leading to the development of the MTO was containerisation, placing smaller units inside larger containers for shipment. (Hoyle et al. 1992) The last area to define is the MTO hub, centralized

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Global communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global communications - Essay Example ntinued to evolve as the marketers come to the realisation of how to communicate efficiently through modern-day advertising methods across a range of multifaceted and progressively competitive international marketplaces. This variety of marketing involves instituting a website, and then choosing interactive types of advertising; with the strategic intent being to cater to the domestic markets clients (Fill, 2005). In defining the functions of global marketing, the inferences for worldwide interactive advertising are usually centred on an ethnocentric market. This approach could be viewed as standardised. In the hybrid strategic method of international marketing, also referred to as "glocalisation†, the strategic aim is to utilise a centralised and planned "footprint" to create an international brand identity, while permitting flexibility that is country-specific in the communication and tactical mix decisions. When deciding what the strategic propositions are as far as international interactive advertising is concerned, the aspects of global marketing no longer make use of an ethnocentric perspective. Global marketing recognises and exercises strategic intent as a way to organise the blend of centralised brand or business directives with the more localised variations in management decision making, and interactive advertising placement. Therefore, global communications definitely suggest that the existence of international online clients is a strategically anticipated result of a hybrid strategic technique (Yeshin and Gilligan, 2000). Language constraints:   In most cases, advertisements have to be interpreted. This has to be according to local version of the generic language. In some circumstances, advertisements created in foreign languages are run intentionally in order to add an air of mystery to a commodity or good. Cultural Hindrances: Subtle cultural disparities may stop an advertisement from being viewed as acceptable in one nation, or be accepted in a

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Impact of Internship on Graduate Employability Essay

The Impact of Internship on Graduate Employability - Essay Example In doing this, it is good to observe the some of the trends from those who go through internship and those who do not. The main purpose of the internship program is to give exposure on career field, occupation or industry. Internship can also be referred to any career related experience. It can range from community service to semester long assignment. This paper aims at looking the importance of internship and analyzing the trends gone through it and their place in the labor market. The aim of every graduate is to succeed in the labor market (Bossche & Gijselaers 2012). The preparations that go with this success become extremely crucial. This paper exposes the value of internship and explains why it should be taken as a vital ingredient for the success of undergraduates. Companies are increasingly valuing internship. During the experience, skills and knowledge are imparted (Bukaliya 2012). These skills apply to the future career. Internship should be treated like a professional job. It gives experiences and creates room for connections. Internship refers to an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained from academic studies in a workplace setting. Internships are part of formal internship program. However, students can create their own internships. Forms internships include volunteer positions and research; it can also be a job during summer (Bukaliya 2012). Internship may pay or fail to. Sociologists are paying growing attention to the stratification of education at tertiary level. This is with regard to the difference between fields of study and labor market (Bukaliya 2012). The horizontal stratification is increasingly bearing direct impact to graduals in terms of employability of graduate, and how the labor market perceives them. Over the last few decades, there have been increased enrollments in tertiary education (Calvo 2011). This has contributed to increase in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Apple Unveils Its Offline Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Apple Unveils Its Offline Strategy - Essay Example As losses mounted Jobs was brought back as the CEO who realized that licensing Mac operating system had contracted the market by taking away the customers (Bryson et al., 2006). The strategy was changed immediately and Apple began to sell directly by phone and internet. This strategy did bring about better sales but the market was saturated and there were miscalculations on the consumer demand. Since they were performing poorly and the sales were shrinking as competition had set in, the company changed their strategy and business objectives. Having performed poorly in the traditional computer market they decided to integrate the product development strategies with the digital technologies in the consumer electronics market. Their strategy was to innovate. Based on the new direction provided under the new CEO, the company was steering towards growth and it was subsequently ranked number one as Fortune’s most admired company for innovation. Apple was no more seen â€Å"in a battle for PC market share -- instead, as the platform becoming a premium PC, capturing selective demand† (Bryson et al., 2006). The objective of the company was to position Apple products as an integrating platform for a range of household products like cameras, vide o recorders, and music players. Apple’s strategic business units now include personal computers, software, iTunes, QuickTime, iMac, and support as per the chart below: With the changed strategy, the company was operating in an environment that provided several opportunities but competition and its own damaged reputation posed threat to its existence. Nevertheless, the strengths of the company saw it through the threats. The main strengths of the company were the vision of the CEO, Steve Jobs, the iPod, and the brand loyalty.  

Monday, September 9, 2019

Marketing - past, present and future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Marketing - past, present and future - Essay Example The objectives, goals and targets of marketing have to be monitored and met. The competitor strategies must be evaluated, estimated and exceeded. It is only through the effective use of market and its research that an organization can identify its customer’s needs and wants and try to deliver the value its customer wants .It is very important for the organization to ensure that its customers are satisfied. Marketing uses the process of exchange to give the customers the value they desire on their products and services. Exchange transaction requires the customer to exchange value (money) for the product or services that completely satisfy their needs. Clearly, the greater the benefit provided the higher transactional value an organization can charge. It is thus the process by which companies create customer interest in their goods or services. As an activity marketing can only take place where there is a market. It refers to the activity through which exchanges are undertaken. Marketing can be perceived as a social and managerial process through which the customers get what they want. They do it through the process of creating, offering and exchanging products of value for money. Marketing can be considered as a function; It is a philosophy that has an impact on the over-all dealings of an organization with the marketplace. (David M. Reid. (1980). 19-23.) (Rick Wise, Niren Sirohi. (2005).8-13.) The need for marketing rose as a result of the increasing needs, wants and demands of the customers. Needs are a basic requirement for human survival, while wants are the specific means by which individuals’ satisfy their needs. The term, value is one of the most important notions in marketing. It is the difference between the total costs of making a purchase and the total benefits received. In short, it accounts for both, the benefits that a customer gets by making a purchase and also the costs it incurs in the process ( both the money cost and

Identify and discuss the major challenges that Costa Coffee will face Essay

Identify and discuss the major challenges that Costa Coffee will face in its operations in the French market and propose suitable recommendations for overcoming or mitigating the identified challenges - Essay Example In spite of the success observed in the Costa Coffee sales in France, there are several challenges that the Costa Coffee will face inevitably. These challenges mainly involve the economic difficulties. The prime business challenges faced by the Costa Coffee as a whole are directly in relation with the economic recession from 2008. This is because the customers have been observed to become more cautious with their discretionary spending due to the high personal debt as well as unemployment. Further, social as well as cultural challenges might also be faced by the Costa Coffee. The cafe will have to not only sell Coffee but also maintain the ambience and surroundings of the cafe. This is because people not only come to drink coffee but also come to calm down and have a relaxed experience. The better the ambience, the more people will spend on coffee. Another difficulty that the Costa coffee might face is the fact that people are much more aware environmentally in the recent era. The so urce from which the coffee beans are produced as well as the way they design their supply chain as well as prepare and sell their product is of great concern by the French customers. Furthermore, the Costa Coffee is faced by great competition from other leading coffee shops within France. These include firstly star bucks as well as coffee republic and many others. This competition tends to steal the coffee customers that are vital for the increase of sales for the Costa Coffee. Further, the Costa Coffee in France would also face problems in association with the intense price competition. Due to the high prices in Costa Coffee, it is seen to target only the upper middle class and the privileged class. Also, any alteration in the development of information technology resulting in a change in the markets would definitely pose a threat to the Costa Coffee in France. The major problems faced by the Costa Coffee can be dealt by focusing on attracting more customers. This can be done by

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Consonants in old and middle english Research Paper

Consonants in old and middle english - Research Paper Example The second part of the paper has discussed the Middle English (1066-1500 CE). A table of consonants has been used to illustrate what consonants were like during the period. The inventory sounds of consonants of Chaucerian Middle English have been discussed in this section. Another feature highlighted in the section is the characteristics of Middle English. The paper has been concluded by justifying how the English language has developed after undergoing refine standardization for several periods. A consonant is a speech sound that is coherent to partial closure or complete closure of a vocal tract. Examples of consonants are t, p, k, h and s among others. Some consonants are pronounced at the front of the tongue, some at the back of the lip, some in the throat, some at the back of the tomgue and some are pronounced by forcing air through a narrow channel. English is a language from West German, which originates from Anglo-Frisian Dialects. The language was brought to Britain by invaders and settlers from German (Fennell, 2001). These people settled in the present Netherlands and North West Germany. English is unique from other European languages of the same era in that it uses vocabularies. English is regarded as a borrowing language because most of its modern vocabulary originated from Anglo-Norman languages (Fennell, 2001). Middle English varied from old English because of the two invasions of the middle ages. The North Germanic language natives were responsible for the first invasion. These people conquered and colonized some parts of the Britain during 8th and 9th centuries A.D. The second invasion was caused by the Normans of the 11th Century, who were natives of old Norman. This language developed after sometime to English form and adopted the name Anglo-Norman. The new English vocabularies, which were used during the beginning of the Middle English times, influenced most organizations to a great extent. Some of the influenced organizations include;

Saturday, September 7, 2019

College vs. High School Essay Example for Free

College vs. High School Essay There is so much freedom and you must use your time wisely in order to succeed. When you get to the university you will find you meet all sorts of people from all over the place with so many different cultural backgrounds and religions and beliefs and opinions. You get exposed to new ideas and new experiences. The classes are very different too. If you live on campus, it will likely be your first time living away from home, which is a huge experience. And once you find your major, you will find your people. You will actually be going to school with people who want to be there. As opposed to high school where students have to be there and many can careless about the subjects. College is a completely new experience with many unique aspects that can change and help define ones life. Many people love college, and find it to be a new beginning. It is a new opportunity to define yourself as an individual. You can establish a new image, because everyone is looking to do the exact same thing. In college, its time to strap down and get to work. Theres really no room for error. Classes are spread out throughout the week, and you often have much down time. There is a lot of work and it is crammed into a short period. It is up to you to know when to eat lunch, and it is up to you when to study. It is also your decision to fill that time where you are not studying or doing work with productive things. High school is a period in which many new things happen. You now find yourself in a world full of raging hormones, honors classes, and new found freedoms. High school is routine in a way. You have your eight or so classes year round, and you know when you will be eating lunch. The same kids you went to elementary and middle school with probably are the same kids you went to high school with. Basically, high school is much regimented, and many people find themselves having the same friends for many years. Because of this, in turn once a reputation or image was established for you in high school, most likely that was going to stick with you for the rest of your time left. The work in high school is a piece of cake. Unless you are taking honors or AP courses, there is really no reason why someones GPA should drop below 2. 5. Classes in high school are small in size, usually between twenty and thirty students, and there is a one on one feeling with the teacher. It is a laid back atmosphere because everyone knows each other. Also in high school, many students find a way around the school part. Countless students slack off and dont apply themselves to their work or studies. Because of this, many students find themselves doing new extracurricular activities, and I think we all know what is meant by that. It is very easy in high school to fall into bad habits. High School is a perfect opportunity to go down the wrong path and find yourself in bad situations. In conclusion, even though high school is an important step in life, college is an even bigger step. They are similar in some ways but in others they are the same. High school prepares you for college. It is a time full of new experiences and lessons. College is a new chapter in life and you can basically start over. In a way, college is a mature version of high school. High school and college are what you make of it. To find the true similarities and differences, one must experience both for themselves.