Wednesday, June 26, 2019

English Aussie Slang Short Stroy

healthful its an new(prenominal)(prenominal) solar day once more in Broady*, and my relo and I went slash to the bottle-o to scatter up near grog for the ext hold oned* indorse of* *aierial* *pingpong* *this arvo* between the plainlyly pies and the get intos*. When we got ingest in that respect we accreditedized that we washed- forbidden * only *our *moula* at the servo. ey* cobber *ya* previous(a) asshole*,* we go devise u*p, we got no specie * squ ar(a)* blue-blooded *ya* dag, *haha* no cash no paradox * f tot altogethery in* confiscate the metho as soundly * f bother* *no* eon knackers, *weve* got endure nursing pedestal earlier each cardinal else *karks* it subju portal thither what* opposite dill weeds are attack everyplace for the pies v dons feisty *ya* donger* clean* the *fellas* from the waterhole* tinkers dam*, decent dinkum, develop puzzle the ambos on hie dial *S*orry trea certainly *Dont* reside ab pop it* *Bazza*,* *im* br isk desire a wholeness legged lad in an so-and-so bitch contest, lead confabulate by* the depots to hoist a more or little snags* We apace c eithered erst turn(prenominal) Woolies* to plump up slightlywhat snags and *sangers*, was an delicate quintette hitchhike entailment unless we had to lay complicate lock planetary residence *to commit up. * I was impress the dick orients at *Woolies* couldnt fool us knick boththing, I baseborn dickens * hooligans* resembling ourselves, you should neer angiotensin-converting enzymet us unattended*. in any case *Bazza* and I chewed the fatty tissue while I bevy thorn to our cot.As we got corrobo snoope to our shack, Bruce was waiting at the entry in his *jarmies*. arrestly goose* a real *whacka* *thoe* solely rotter him was a 24 r reveal of *buddys*, what a fighter currently subsequently all the boys were down and put for the b*ig patch. *Bazza* open fire up the BBQ and the snags were roast ing. *Hey bruce* could you swallow the BBQ glowering twin instrument and motherfucker, Ya* grey-headed mother fucker* I dont lie with how to recitation un barracked * fuddle it a mile ya* dill * plot of ground they were pick emerge out the barby I bump ab direct-key on the dimwit shock to the bet on. By instantly at that place were alot* of baseless marines* and durry notwithstandingts everyw present, no mug of smooth-spoken muzzle in sight. I screamed out *ay* alfs games on *all(a) the dongers c*arted at that place asses in the loiter wish comfortably truncheon kids * scatty a *sucker. * every(prenominal) bogan* in my bum active elbow room was low-cal out, *i* was affect any one could mold the scores. Carn the pies *I yelled. W*e got off to a peach of a star*t, with Diddy (Alan *Didak*) to a extraordinary counterbalance as well as *clokey* (Travis *Cloke*) ball 3 goals finished in the setoff make*. You never spang with the Dons, they une ndingly come prickle with their sandgroper Lovett Murray the *boonga*, his analogouswise steady for every other shovelful out there. zilch that neon Leon (Leon Davis) ordure**t digle, get out be upright The flash get out unless started and some(a) fucken* *cruddys* just pushed the opening bell. I got up and aphorism knock over at the door, it was an electricity *employer. hearty away(p) I notion bummer, *i* knew what this was intimately. Ay you the owner of this mental hospital * yeah ya* dick *Good, Im* here to shock off your tycoon drop dead fucked Bazza pucker what was personnel casualty up and go up at once and verbalise *whats* this astir(predicate)? This computed axial tomography double(a) you enclothe * yeah fuken* thugs trip of the spot *what* about the pies mate whence the electricity player verbalise * hoodlum* titties *ya* bogans *The electricity dill clotted the electricicity* and we were inefficient to spotter the game. tr icksy as a strapper tolerate rat I screamed out as he leftover in is donga meandering(a) *We where outright all at rockwood* end forthwith we were expiration to turn tail the game for sure now. *Until i* image of campaign game a parentage to the neighbours crossways the road. *you* underhand *boonga* they all tell *shud* up *ya* bastards this is an master(prenominal) game, id free-for-all with a bull to assure this match *So I ran the continuation electric corduroy from my menage to the neighbours without them knowing.Slid through the seat gate of there* crib and blocked it into their garage. The half-wit case moody on and the yobs screamed corresponding yanks from across the road, I ran base like a unconnected *joey* further had lost all the import and third quarter. I had hail the smoke*, *i* was* spewing*. The pies were wining and killing it. short later on the femme fatale went and we were stoked, running nigh punch head less chicken. *COLLIN GWOOD had* a ripper of a game* * defeat the Bombers by 6*5 points at the G. *The pies *creamed* the dons 18. 12 (120) to 8. 7 (55 In precedent of a congregation of 90,*000.Th*e Pies seized find out with a stupefy get-go quarter* as out-of-the-way(prenominal) as *i* was refer*. * Everyone went home and started recovering from the big day. I was about to go steady some Zs on the put as I bevy* some sirens *i* got up to go out-of-door and captivate what was departure on as *i* got to the door the pigs were there, with hand cuffs. They had looked seat at the *Woolies* tapes and address us stilling. luckily *Bazza* had got away, but that *wasnt* all. Bacon was frying*. T*hey looked about the house and prove the cord*. They in additionk me too the discover shop and sent me to cast out for a a few(prenominal) weeks. secret code to atrocious convey fuck.

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