Monday, July 29, 2019

Write a criteria section for a feasibility study Article

Write a criteria section for a feasibility study - Article Example Availability of manpower- every renovation process requires manpower to carry out. It therefore imperative to look into such criteria as the process will majorly be dependent on. Different times of the calendar year present different opportunities for the manpower to be available. This will determine the speed at which the renovation of the bathrooms is carried in the institution without interfering with the study work of the students while also taking into account the benefits that would come as a result of this action. More manpower will ensure that the renovation is done very fast so that it may not have too much portion of the students’ time. It is therefore appealing to carry out this task during the holidays when there will be enough manpower to accomplish the mission. Cost of renovation- it is always considered economically healthy to weigh the cost that is expected to be incurred during any system change so as to determine how viable it is to take such actions. This will help evaluate economic implications of renovation. However, this institution is not majorly concerned about the cost of renovation as it seeks to improve on the quality of service it offers students with respect to bathroom standards. Renovation is found to cheaper than reconstruction thus a viable alternative. This will ensure the students get comfortable accommodation which is also the main goal of my client. Adaptability to the new system- it is always paramount to check whether the new system will make the life of its users easier than the old system and how fast they can adapt to it. However, the renovation is only aimed at improving on the existing bathrooms. Therefore the systems would easily to adaptable by the students thus improving the accommodation services they are rendered thus offer comfortable accommodations to students. Consistency to the goals of the organization- the main

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