Saturday, January 4, 2020

How to Conjugate Pratiquer (to Practice) in French

The French verb  pratiquer  is relatively easy to remember because it means to practice. When you want to say we practiced in the past tense or I am practicing in the present tense, the verb needs to be conjugated. A quick lesson will introduce you to the simplest forms of  pratiquer  for you to practice. The Basic Conjugations of  Pratiquer Pratiquer is a regular -er verb and it follows the most common conjugation pattern found in the French language. For students who are experienced in conjugations, this should be a pretty easy lesson. As with all verbs, youll begin by identifying the verb stem (or radical). For  pratiquer, that is  pratiqu-. From there, a variety of endings are added that correspond to both the subject pronoun and the tense of the sentence. This gives us things like  je pratique  for I am practicing and  nous pratiquions  for we practiced. Present Future Imperfect je pratique pratiquerai pratiquais tu pratiques pratiqueras pratiquais il pratique pratiquera pratiquait nous pratiquons pratiquerons pratiquions vous pratiquez pratiquerez pratiquiez ils pratiquent pratiqueront pratiquaient The Present Participle of  Pratiquer Adding -ant  to the radical produces the  present participle  pratiquant. Not only is it a verb, but there are some instances in which it becomes a noun or even an adjective. Pratiquer  in the Compound Past Tense In French, passà © composà © is the compound past tense that uses the past participle pratiquà ©. To form it, begin by conjugating the auxiliary verb avoir  to the present tense and finish the compound with pratiquà ©. The result is phrases such as jai pratiquà ©, meaning I practiced, and nous avons pratiquà © for we practiced. More Simple Conjugations of  Pratiquer There are a few more basic conjugations youll want to know for  pratiquer. Among those are  the subjunctive  and  the conditional.  The former implies uncertainty to the practicing while the latter is for an if...then situation.  The literary tenses of the passà © simple  and  the imperfect subjunctive  are reserved for writing and are good to memorize as well. Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je pratique pratiquerais pratiquai pratiquasse tu pratiques pratiquerais pratiquas pratiquasses il pratique pratiquerait pratiqua pratiquà ¢t nous pratiquions pratiquerions pratiquà ¢mes pratiquassions vous pratiquiez pratiqueriez pratiquà ¢tes pratiquassiez ils pratiquent pratiqueraient pratiquà ¨rent pratiquassent The imperative  is used often for assertive statements like Practice! When using it, skip the subject pronoun and leave it at Pratique ! Imperative (tu) pratique (nous) pratiquons (vous) pratiquez

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