Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Volunteered With Two Different Community Partners

For my service learning, I volunteered with two different community partners. The first service learning area I volunteered in was connecting with children at shelter and help work on a beautification project at the Miami Bridge Shelter. Miami Bridge is a Miami-Dade shelter for children who are victims of human trafficking, drug dealers, runaways, and abandoned youths which delivers them a fostering and supportive environment. They reconnect the youth ages from seven to seventeen with educational, social and job-related opportunities. While at Miami Bridge, a group of us from Barry had to paint the children’s bathrooms over with a different color such as purple for the girls and a cream color for the boys. After that, we had a task with the kids to pick up rocks in the sand with shovels because the shelter plans on making a play area there. Furthermore, the second service learning area I volunteered in was tutoring refugee children from Church World Service. Church World Service is global organization that helps vulnerable people in the United States with food, housing, and job opportunities. Another part of my service learning with Church World service was completed by helping them with their 8th Annual Refugee Children’s Thanksgiving Celebration. There were about 100 people having a good time with food, games, and gifts to give away at the celebration. My duties was to help serve food, and assist with outdoor activities for the refugee children. Another duty of mine, wasShow MoreRelatedPhilanthropic Outreach Of Target. Ashley Grant1734 Words   |  7 PagesAshley Grant Indiana University East Target has been giving to the community since 1946. They are growing a brighter future for their team members and the community. 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