Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Research Design and Methods

Questions: 1. Problem statement of the study and research gap.2. Definition and description of theories, models, laws, or concepts.3. The phenomena and research questions (qualitative studies).4. Discussing how theories, model, law or concept connects to the research study. Answers: 1. Problem statement of the study and research gap The purpose of this study is to explore the injustice and imprisonment of the African American people. The major problem faced by the black community of America is unnecessary killing, mass incarceration and unfair legal practice. In other word, the problem is apparently more the result of mass incarceration (Belzer Ryan, 2013). However, the situation is not limited to the factors for which black American people are being deprived. The literature on this topic is very less and therefore, people are not aware about the issue. Due to lack of supportive literature, it is difficult for the black American population to fight back such issues. The legal policies and procedures for the black American are seems to be bias, which prevents the population to survive. The previous researches in this topic are limited to the extreme prison sentences and unfair legal practices. However, there is lot of other social practices, which are unethical and harmful for the Asian American black people (Graff, 2015). Lack of research literature is the major gap of this study. In order to aware the community regarding unethical and unfair practice, it is highly important to have supportive literature. On the other hand, education among this community is low, which prevents them from claiming their right. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the other factors that affect lifestyle of the black American people. 2. Definition and description of theories, models, laws, or concepts The theoretical foundation will be based on the history of treatment to the African Americans in United States. Black American people are deprived from the fair legal practice and their facilities. According to the legal policies, long sentence for unnecessary reason was a lethal practice. These practices are not new to the country; it is something historical, which shows how injustice put lives of black American at risk (Harris Edwards, 2016). The way black Americans are treated in the country is nothing but an illegal movement. When it comes to the theories, civil rights infraction would be the most appropriate for evaluating the topic. According to this theory, violation of civil right is illegal in US lawsuit. Implementing this theory would help to identify how the black Americans are being the victim of bias decision (Marable, 2015). Implementation of drug policies was the most important factor to be discussed in this topic. The movement of government for drug dealing was for incarcerating the criminals. However, as per the statistics, the decision of government was bias and therefore, black people of America were incarcerated frequently (Hatzenbuehler et al., 2015). Evaluating this policy and its consequences will help to evaluate the extent in which black Americans were tortured and made to follow unfair law. However, the law was formed in order to control the increased drug offence. The study will discuss these theories, concepts and legal framework in order to present the theoretical foundation. 3. The phenomena and research questions (qualitative studies) The study will be based on qualitative study. In this manner, it will be possible to conduct interview session with the targeted population. Discussing the research questions with the targeted population will emphasize the facts behind the study topic. The sample for the study would be the black American families. Following are the study questions are stated. What are the problems faced by the black American families due to unfair legal practice? To what extent mass incarceration affects black community of America? What are the issues faced by the black community rather than mass incarceration? 4. Discussing how theories, model, law or concept connects to the research study The theories and concepts evaluated in this study are effective to emphasize the previous research result. The research will reviles the social cause behind mass incarceration in United States. The theory of civil right infraction would help to understand how legal framework of America was used against the black community (Gross, 2015). The topic depends on history of treatment, which will help to gather vast information regarding how black American people were victimized by the nation (Belzer Ryan, 2013). The implementation of drug policy shows that how black American people were forcefully incarcerated for long time. The aim of the research is to discuss the social cause behind the issues and therefore, these theories, law and concepts are most effective. As this study is based on qualitative study, it is highly important to access secondary data from authentic resources such as journals and press release. References Belzer, A., Ryan, S. (2013). Defining the problem of practice dissertation: Where's the practice, what's the problem?.Planning and Changing,44(3/4), 195 GRAFF, G. (2015). Redesigning Racial Caste in America via Mass Incarceration.Journal of Psychohistory,43(2)120-133. Gross, K. N. (2015). African American Women, Mass Incarceration, and the Politics of Protection.Journal of American History,102(1), 25-33 Harris, D., Edwards, S. B. (2016). Black Lives Matter Hatzenbuehler, M. L., Keyes, K., Hamilton, A., Uddin, M., Galea, S. (2015). The collateral damage of mass incarceration: Risk of psychiatric morbidity among nonincarcerated residents of high-incarceration neighborhoods.Journal Information,105(1) Marable, M. (2015).How capitalism underdeveloped black America: Problems in race, political economy, and society. Haymarket Books

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