Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Citizenship Education in International Schools within Hong Kong Research Proposal

Citizenship Education in International Schools within Hong Kong - Research Proposal ExampleThe research study will particularly focus on establishing the type of Citizenship Education Curriculum that teachers believed should be utilized by teachers in the International Schools that ar located within Hong Kong. This is considering that these International Schools use materials and even curriculums that are adopted from their country of origin.The concept of the globular village according to the study conducted by Walker (2006), has led to the widely encouraged development of genteelness for interdependence among learners located across the World. From the studies conducted by Williams & Humphrys(2003), in regards to global education, he argued that there has been subtle falsify in regards to the degree of universal awareness concerning the way of life in other countries since many great deal are more aware of how people in other separate of the World live. This is in submissio n to the studies conducted by Phillips & Schweisfurth(2008), which urged for the collaboration and comparison in international education globally and it is among this reasons that the concept of Citizenship Education. Williams & Humphrys(2003) described this concept as an educational system that is aimed at equipping foreign students with the knowledge and skills that can enable them to be legally accepted as citizens in a foreign country and also to be just now knowledgeable about other peoples way of life in other parts of the World (Zajda, 2005).Concerns have risen regarding education in the sense that efforts should be put in plate for the development of the international perspective amongst youths in order to increase their global development awareness (Postiglione & Tan, 2007). Therefore, asGrossman & Lo(2008) noted, the alter and implementation of the factor of universal citizenship education in cooperation with the school curriculum is an increasingly important manage in education.Hong Kong is largely dominated by people from the ethnic Chinese community, which means

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