Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Prohibition in Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prohibition in Texas - Essay ExampleThe citizens under the decide of alcohol formed temperance eliminateing to a nationwide cry of alcohol prohibition. Various laws were passed by the congress in favor to the prohibition of alcohol consumption, but the laws started being in effect in 1920s. The prohibition in Texas was wanting because it led to the creation on unethical jobs like smuggling of products and run leading to reduction in organisation taxes and revenues as potentials business men dealing in spirits were evading taxation. The rise of a drinking problem in Texas led to the formation of various groups known as temperance movements. These groups were instituted to control the high drinking that was a social and an economic menace (Roth 20). Individuals who were heavy drinkers did non contribute to the economic development since they spent most of their time unconscious. Secondly, the individuals involved in criminal activities caused annoying to the citizens as they robe d citizens of their sweat and hard work. The groups taught the citizens on the importance of staying sober and disadvantages of getting intoxicated. They first nuzzle group came with the idea to create moderation in the use of intoxicants, but as time passed, they changed their campaigns and centre on complete prohibition of alcohol consumption. ... The Act also constituted fines and sentences for those found deviating from the laws (May 19). Prohibition in Texas was, however, not a success as it did not curb the citizens from drinking alcohol in the region. Individuals who promoted the grapple of alcohol in Texas were gangsters who hired individuals to ferry alcohol from other parts like Germany into Texas. The Drys who were appointed in Texas were not efficient enough as they did not lead to a complete prohibition of strong drink consumption in Texas (Baker 161). This was because the law was not enforced leading to the continuance of alcohol consumption in various parts of Tex as and in large North America. The prohibition led to conflicts in the national and Texas politics. This was because the government was divided with regard to the law of prohibition as a majority of them feared that prohibiting liquor consumption would lead to closure of employment opportunities to the citizens within the country. This was because a section of the citizens had resorted to the sale and manufacture of liquor as their master(prenominal) origin of livelihood and snatching this from them meant taking their main source of livelihood. Prohibition in Texas was more of a example than a political issue. Although politics contributed heavily in the Texas prohibition, this was majorly inspired by a few politicians who took the labour of crusaders and campaigned on the impacts of intoxication and benefits of prohibition. Governor Colquit was an example of a political crusader who proposed the Texas prohibition law on the Democratic Party in the United States. Individuals wer e influenced by the instincts to propose the Texas prohibition as it was a source of misery to many families. In addition, abuse of liquor did not improve their economic status or else

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