Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Famine, Affluence, and Morality Essay Example for Free

Famine, Affluence, and Morality seekIn vocalizers article Famine, Affluence, and Morality, his main goal is to get the advert across that on that point are citizenry in the developing world that are starving and comport a drop of healthcare and the lack of shelters. He argues ab divulge how affluent countries react to the issues like Bengal and the way they look at the moral issue surrounding it. He also argues that the way of life is taken for granted by affluence batch. The first counter- argument in the article is the view that numbers do find a difference (Singer, 1971). It refers to if every affluent somebody would translate 5 dollars to the Bengal Relief Fund that money would make sense up. Therefore, there is no reason to have to give more money than bothone else in the same position. Singer argues that this is based off a hypothetical situation. He, however, posits in the article that there is no way for that corrupt the farm since no one would give more than 5 dollars consequently there would non be seemly money to provide food, shelter, and medical care. He says by giving more than 5 dollars he provide be able to end more crucifixion.The second counter argument people do not judge the way Singer suggested they should. M any people tend to keep their judgments to themselves unless they go overboard, step out bounds, and break some type of moral code. The example that Singer uses is taking someone elses property. close people tend not to look bad on owning expensive items instead of giving to people less fortunate. Singers response to this argument is, unless that principle is rejected, or the arguments are shown to be unsound, I believe the conclusion must stand however strange it appears.It might, nevertheless, be interesting to consider why our society, and most other societies, do judge differently from the way I have suggested they should. (Singer, 1972) At what point do people draw the line at what should be done and w hat is good but not mandatory. Singer brings up a point that, In a society which held that no man should have more than enough while others have less than they need. (Utilitarian Philosophers, NDG) Many people are influenced by the people around them. If people are giving less than people around them are likely to give less, but if people give more than people around him are likely to give more.The terzetto counter argument is the difference among duty and charity. The argument is that in some utilitarian possibleness that everyone should work full time to increase happiness over misery. Meaning that, if people work more, are paid more money than people would not be as miserable, many people say money cannot buy happiness. Singers reaction to this counter- argument is that, we ought to be preventing as much suffering as we can without sacrificing something else of comparable moral importance. (Utilitarian Philosophers, NDG)Singer defines fringy utility as the take at which gi ving more would result in suffering in his dependents or himself. The meaning of this is that one would border their material possessions to less than nothing. He further explains that he proposed a more moderate version of marginal utility, that we should prevent bad occurrences unless, to do so, we had to sacrifice something morally significant, for one might hold that to reduce oneself and ones family to this level is to cause something significantly bad to happen. (Singer, 1972) It relates to his arguments because he insists that we need to limit our material possessions to that of the Bengal refugees. Singer compares the distinction between duty and charity as not an easy line to draw. However Singer gives an example as this, The human man may be praised, but the man who is not charitable is not condemned. When we buy new clothes not to keep ourselves, warm but to look well-dressed we are not providing for any important need.We would not be sacrificing anything significant if we were to continue to wear our old clothes, and give the money to famine relief. By doing so, we would be preventing another person from starving. (Singer, 1972) In other words, instead of buying expensive ugly stuff for yourself giving the extra money would benefit more people and make it more charitable however, you do not give the extra money to charity you are not looked at any differently. I do agree with some parts of his article, however, I disagree with most of it. First, I think that his article come off with a major attitude in my mind.He does however make some good points like the way he talks about how some people are influenced by the people around them. Another good point that he made is it should not return how far the distance is wither they are in the same area as you are thousands of miles away. I do not agree with how he insinuates that the richer you are the more you should give. I believe that a person should give as much as he or she wants. I also believe that a person giving charity should not be held at a higher pedestal then someone that is not able to give to charity.

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