Sunday, May 5, 2019

Compare and contrast the characters of Iago and Othello in Research Paper

Compare and contrast the de nonations of Iago and Othello in Shakespeares Othello - Research Paper ExampleIn westward Literature, the protagonist of the Shakespeares play Othello is considered the first shameful central character ever adopted in the play. This is one of the famous characters Shakespeare worked out during his writing career. In the initial stages of the play, the author beautifully d impelatizes Othellos character with love, warmth and grace. Shakespeare portrays his character as a noble ridicule- who was not only a loving hubby but also a respected and celebrated war hero. He was an expressive person who was a fluent storyteller. However, at the closing stages of the play, Othello has come forward as an irrational, jealous and violent husband who was acquire insane and finally murdered his own married woman because of his extreme envy towards Lago who convinced Othello that his wife Desdemona became untrusty to him. On the other hand, Lago- one of the most mys terious and disreputable character of the play seems to spend most of his metre, from the setoff of the play, in plotting and scheming against Othello and his wife Desdemona. In the end of the play, the villain- Lago became successful in his deeds to convince Othello that his wife is no more faithful to him. He persuaded Othello to understand that his wife has been continuously cheating Othello- from the very offshoot of their wedlock. Despite the plot, Lago has created, Desdemona was completely faithful. However, here it preempt be clearly observed that Othello was a noble guy but the circumstances changed his personality and poisoned him with extreme bitterness that came to an end with Desdemonas murder. On the other hand, Lago was a cruel villain from the very beginning. His unkindness and meanness can be seen from the very start. He believes on absurd way of living and induces annihilation for people whom he knows the best. His character in the play does not portray any sort of motivation for the readers. As far as Othellos status in Venice is concerned, he started his career as a traveler who traveled long distances. In the initial stages he had been sold as a slave as well. From there he escaped and finally travel towards Venice where he rushed for his career and finally ended up with a glowing status of military commander. As far as Othellos character is concerned in the city of Italy- Venice, it can be observed that his character was quite complicated to understand there. He was not only an insider but an alien at the same time. He was a Christian by religion who was an experienced commander in military as well. He was not only admired by people but by the Senate and the Duke as well. However, it was a fact that he was a black Moor at the same time and not the local habitant of Venice. This causes racism issues, time to time, for Othello especially the father of his wife always considers his marriage with Desdemona as a result of his tricks towar ds her. Desdemonas father believes that Othello enchanted her daughter with magic spells and foul charms. In this play, it can be observed that many characters refer Othello as a devil- old black ram and a thick- lips person. It is referred that Othello just inspired the lady because of his hyper- sexuality. At that point Lago showed his character and referred Othello as a devil. He induced aggression in Brabantio that he would surely be a grandsire of devil like black babies. Here it can be clea

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