Monday, May 6, 2019

Written Account of Organisational Observation in organisational Essay

write Account of Organisational Observation in organisational behaviour - Essay ExampleIt is very important for the organization to nominate parentage satisfaction and security to the employees. In addition, the organizations in global marketplace argon trying to machine oeuvre diversity process as this process stool result in collaborative military operation of the people of different caste and culture. Employee pauperization is the key growth driver for an organization (Bruce, 2006). Lack of motivation and encouragement earth-closet affect the performance take aim of a skilled and efficient employee. Maslows power structure of needs theory can be applied to determine different stages of human needs. There be five stages in this model, such as physiological needs, safety and security needs, social needs, self-esteem and self-actualization. mickle always try to satisfy their basis needs, such as need for food, clothes and shelter. These needs are considered as the physiol ogical needs (Landy & Conte, 2009). Safety and security need is the second stage of this model. Under this stage, an somebody tries to secure their job, health and neighboring associates. Social need is the third stage in this Maslows hierarchy of needs theory. Individuals try to acquire social recognition within this stage. In terms of a workplace, an employee tries to achieve social recognition from their sub-ordinates and colleagues. ... It can grow the performance of the employees. Topic 3 In terms of workplace motivation, Herzbergs Satisfiers and Dissatisfies theory can be applied. According to Frederic Herzberg, the mortal needs of a people should be satisfied within an organization. Effective job and individual needs satisfaction can result in significant organizational productivity. According to this theory, there are two influences or degrees that can affect the level of perception of an individual within the workplace of a company. Motivators or satisfiers and hygiene factors or dissatisfiers are considered as specific influences. Nature of work is an important motivation driver. Several positive aspects can fulfill the job satisfaction of an employee (Wood, Zeffane, Fromholtz, Wiesner, Morrison & Seet, 2013). Achievement of career objectives, social recognition within workplace, job promotion, potential opportunity for individual development within organization and level of responsibility are considered as the motivating factors that can enhance the efficiency and performance level of an employee. On the other hand, several hygiene or dissatisfiers factors can unhinge employees. It has several negative consequences on the business productivity of an organization. Inadequate workplace environment, execrable developed form _or_ system of government and unjustified salary distribution can be considered as the dissatisfiers factors. Poor organizational policy can affect the motivation and performance level of an employee (Baldonado, 2008). Needle ss paperwork or bureaucracy within an organization can be considered as a major barrier for a particular assigned job. In addition, poor workplace environment or employee discrimination can create several workplace conflicts.

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