Saturday, May 25, 2019

Prom Nights from Hell Chapter One

Hell on EarthStephenie MeyerGabe stared crosswise the spring floor and frowned. He wasnt sure why hed asked Celeste to the prom, and it was an separate mystery why shed give tongue to yes. Even more than(prenominal) mysterious direct, delaying her grip heathland McKenzie or so the neck so tightly that Heath was probably having trouble brea issue. Their bodies flattened into an indivisible mass as they swayed against the beat, ignoring the rhythm of the song thudding done the room. Heaths workforce roamed all(a) over Celestes appear exsanguine dress in an intimate way.Tough luck, Gabe.Gabe give eared international from the spectacle his date was making to his approaching fri cobblers last.Hey, Bry. Having a nice night?Better than you, man, better than you, Bryan answered, grinning. He lifted his cup of bilious green punch as if for a toast. Gabe touched his bottled water to Bryans cup and sighed.I had no idea Celeste had a thing for Heath. What is he, her ex or some(a)t hing?Bryan took a gulp of the sinister-looking drink, made a face, and shook his operate. Not that I bed of. Ive never calculaten them even speak to each other forward tonight.Both of them stared at Celeste, who had evidently lost something she needed deep inside Heaths m come disclose of the closeth.Huh, Gabe verbalize.Its probably and the punch, Bryan said in an attempt to be encouraging. I dont k today how m some(prenominal) people spiked it, only ouch. She might non even know thats non you off in that respect.Bryan took a nonher(prenominal) swig and made a nonher face.Why are you drinking that? Gabe wondered aloud.Bryan shrugged. I dont know. Maybe the euphony pull up s bump offs start to adept a gnomish less pathetic after I force a glass of this engage out.Gabe nodded. My ears may never forgive me. I should father brought my iPod.I wonder w present Clara is. Is there some kind of girl-law that demands they spend a received percentage of every event in the bathroom to labourher?Yes. Stiff penalties for girls who dont tackle the quota.Bryan laughed at one succession, exclusively then(prenominal)(prenominal) his smile faded and he fiddled with his gesticulate tie for a moment. About Clara he began.You dont confine to say anything, Gabe assured him. Shes an amazing girl. And you two are perfect for each other. I wouldve had to be finesse not to visit that.You rightfully dont mind?I told you to ask her to the prom, didnt I?Yeah, you did. Sir Galahad makes another crack. Seriously, man, do you ever deem or so yourself?Sure, every hour on the hour. And hey, speaking of Clara she better film a great time tonight or Im passing game to break your nose. Gabe grinned a wide grin. She and I are yet good friends-dont think I wont call her to check.Bryan rolled his eye, exactly short found it a tiny difficult to srampartow. If Gabe Christensen treasured to break his nose, he wouldnt arrive at much of a problem doing it-Gabe di dnt mind getting his knuckles bruised or his permanent record blemished if it meant righting something that was wrong in his eyeball.Ill take care of Clara, Bryan said, neediness that the words didnt sound so much uniform a vow. There was something about Gabe and his piercing blue look that made you looking at that way-like doing the best you could at any given task. It got irritating sometimes. With a grimace, Bryan dumped the repose of his punch into the dead moss at the base of a fake ficus tree. If she ever leaves the bathroom.Good man, Gabe said approvingly, moreover his smile twisted take on matchless side. Celeste and Heath had disappeared into the crowd.Gabe wasnt sure what the protocol was when you got dumped at the prom. How was he hypothetical to make sure she got phratry safe? Was that Heaths job now?Gabe wondered again why hed asked Celeste to this leaping.She was a very pretty girl-pageant pretty. Perfect blond tomentum-so full it was fluffy-wide-spaced brown eyeball, and curvy lips always motley a flattering shade of pink. Her lips werent the only things that were curvy. Shed all and shut his brain down with the thin, clingy dress shed worn tonight.Her looks werent the reason hed noticed her, though. That reason was something else entirely.It was lumpen and embarrassing, really. Gabe would never, ever tell anyone else about this, but every now and then, he got this weird sense that soulfulness needed help. Needed him. Hed gotten that inexplicable pull from Celeste, as if the shapely blonde was hiding a damsel in distress somewhere behind her flawless makeup.Very absurd. And obviously wrong. Celeste didnt seem chaseed in any help from Gabe right now.He s advisened the dance floor again but couldnt pick her golden hair out of the crowd. He sighed.Hey, Bry, did you miss me? Clara, her dispirited curly hair full of glitter, bounced free from a herd of females and joined them against the wall. The rest of the herd dispersed. H ey, Gabe. Wheres Celeste?Bryan put his arm around her shoulders. I estimation you left. pronounce Ill collapse to cancel the hot plans I just made with-Claras articulatio cubiti caught Bryan in the solar plexus.Mrs. Finkle, Bryan continued, gasping the words and nodding toward the vice principal glaring from the niche of the room farthest past from the speakers. We were passing play to sort failure notices by candlelight.Well, I wouldnt trust you to miss that I think I saw instruct Lauder by the cookies. Maybe I could talk him into some extra-credit pull-ups.Or maybe we could just dance, Bryan suggested.Sure, I can settle for that.Laughing, they pressed their way toward the dance floor, Bryans muckles tramping around Claras waist.Gabe was glad Clara hadnt waited for an answer to her question. It was a little embarrassing that he didnt feed one.Hey, Gabe, wheres Celeste?Gabe grimaced and turned to the sound of Logans voice.Logan was also solo for the moment. mayhap it was his dates turn to exhibit girl-herding behavior.I couldnt say, Gabe admitted. Have you seen her?Logan pursed his full lips for a minute, as if debating whether or not to say something. He ran a hand nervously across his springy fatal hair. Well, I thought I did. Im not exactly sure, though Shes wearing a white dress, right?Yeah-where is she?I think I saw her in the lobby. Cant be positive. Her face was sort of hard to see David Alvarados face was all over itDavid Alvarado? Gabe repeated in surprise. Not Heath McKenzie?Heath? Naw. It was definitely David.Heath was a line, blond and fair. David barely change five feet his coloring was olive and his hair was dense. No way to confuse the two.Logan shook his judgment sadly. Sorry, Gabe. That sucks.Dont worry about it.At to the lowest degree(prenominal) youre not in the stag boat alone, Logan said forlornly.Really? What happened to your date?Logan shrugged. Shes around here somewhere, glowering at everyone. She doesnt want t o dance, she doesnt want to talk, she doesnt want punch, she doesnt want to take pictures, and she doesnt want my company. He ticked each negative off on his fingers. I dont know why she asked me in the first place. Probably just cute to show off her dress-it is hot, Ill give her that. tho she doesnt seem to care about showing anything now Wish Id asked soulfulness else. Logans eyes lingered wistfully on a group of girls fast dancing in a male-free circle. Gabe thought he saw Logan focus on one girl in particular.Why didnt you ask Libby?Logan sighed. I dont know. I think I think she would have liked it if Id asked her, though. Oh sound.Whos your date?That spic-and-span girl, Sheba. Shes a little intense but really gorgeous, kinda exotic. I was too shocked to say anything but yes when she asked me to go with her. I thought that she, well, that she might be frolic Logan finished lamely. What hed really thought when Sheba had all but commanded him to take her to prom didnt seem e ntirely appropriate to be spoken aloud, oddly to Gabe lots of things seemed contradictory around Gabe. It was just the opposite with Sheba. When hed gotten a look at her mind-blowing red leather dress, his item had been full of ideas that somehow didnt expression in the least bit inappropriate while her deep, sinfulness eyes had been foc utilize on him.I dont think Ive met her, Gabe said, interrupting Logans brief fantasy.Youd remember if you had. Although Sheba had forgotten Logan quickly enough once they were in the door, hadnt she? Hey, do you think maybe Libby came alone? I didnt hear about anyone asking herEr, she came with Dylan.Oh, Logan said, crestfallen. Then he one-half(a)-smiled. Nights bad enough without getting anguish on top of everything else-werent they supposed to have a band? This DJI know. Its as if were being punished for our sins, Gabe said with a laugh.Sins? Like you have any, Galahad the Pure. perambulation Nights from Hell Chapter OneKiss and TellMiche le JaffeChapter OneSorry this wasnt more of a storybook ending, the man with his custody around her throat said, smiling, holding her eyes with his own as he choked her.If youre going to kill me, cant you just get on with it? This is kind of uncomfortable.What, my hands? Or the feeling that youre a failure-Im not a failure. again.She spit in his face.Still got some fire. I really admire that about you. I think you and I could have gotten along nicely. Unfortunately, there just isnt time.She gave one last fight, clawing at his hands around her throat, his fore mail, anything, but he didnt even flinch. Her fists fell hopelessly to her sides.He leaned in so goal to her face that she could feel him exhale. Any last words?Three Listerine tinge strips. You really need them.He laughed and tightened the hands around her neck until they overlapped. Good-bye.For a second, his eyes burned into hers. Then she heard a sharp crack and felt herself fall to the floor as everything went black.P rom Nights from Hell Chapter OneThe CorsageLauren MyracleReaders, heed The following story was inspired by The Monkeys Paw, first published in 1902 by W. W. Jacobs, which scared the dickens out of me when I was a teenager. Be calculated what you wish for, indeed LAUREN MYRACLEOutside, the wind whipped around Madame Zanzibars house, making a loose rain-pipe thump against the siding. The sky was dark, though it was only intravenous feeding oclock. But within the garishly decorated waiting room, three table lamps shone burnishedly, each draped with a jewel-toned scarf. Ruby hues lit Yun solarizes round face, while bluish-purple hues gave ordain the mottled look of someone freshly dead.You look like youve risen from the grave, I told him.Frankie, Yun Sun scolded. She did a head jerk toward Madame Zs closed office, worried, I suppose, that she might hear and be offended. A red plastic diddle hung from the office doorknob, indicating that Madame Z was with a client. We were up ne xt. provide made his eyes go vacant. I am a pod person, he moaned. He stretched his arms out toward us. Please to give me all your hearts and livers.Oh no The pod person has taken over our beloved Will I clutched Yun Suns arm. Quick, give him your hearts and livers, so hell leave mine aloneYun Sun shook free. Not amused, she said in a tone two singsongy and threatening. And if youre not nice to me, I will leave.Stop being such a pooter, I said.I will take my thunder thighs and I will march right out of here. simply watch.Yun Sun was on a my-legs-are-too-fat kick, just because her superslinky prom dress needed a little letting out. At least she had a prom dress. And a for-sure chance to wear it.Bleh, I said. Her grouchiness was endangering our plan, which was the whole reason we were here. The night of the prom was getting dangerously close, and I was not going to be the sad shell of a girl who sat home alone while everyone else went crazy with glitter dust and danced ironically i n spectacular three-inch heels. I refused, especially since I knew in my heart of hearts that Will wanted to ask me. He just needed a little encouragement.I lowered my voice, all the while smiling at Will like la la la, just girl talk, nothing important It was both of our idea to do this, Yun Sun. Remember?No, Frankie, it was your idea, she said. And she did not keep her voice down. Ive already got my date, even though hes going to be squished to death by my thighs. Youre the one hoping for a last-minute miracle.Yun Sun I glanced at Will, who turned red. Bad Yun Sun, throwing it out in the open like that. Bad, bad, naughty girlOw she yelped. Because Id whacked her.I am very mad at you, I said.Enough with the coyness. You do want him to ask you, dont you?OwUm, you guys? Will said. He was doing that adorable thing he did when he was nervous, when his Adams apple bobbed up and down. Although, huh. That was kind of an icky image. It made me think of bobbing for apples, which was only o ne step away from bobbing for Adams apples.But. Will was indeed possessed of an Adams apple, and when it moved up and down in his throat, it was indeed adorable. It made him look so vulnerable.She hit me, Yun Sun tattled.She deserved it, I countered. But I didnt want it to go further, this line of discourse that was already too revealing. So I patted Yun Suns totally unfat leg and said, However, I forgive you. direct shut up.What Yun Sun failed to get-or more likely, what she totally got and yet failed to appreciate-was that not all things needed to be said aloud. Yes, I wanted Will to ask me to prom, and I wanted him to do it soon, because Springtime Is for Lovers was only two weeks away.And fine, the touch of the dance was dorky, but springtime was for lovers. It was an indisputable truth. Just as it was an indisputable truth that Will was my forever boy, if only he could get past his permanent bashfulness and make a frickin move. Enough chummy shoulder slugs and giggling, sno rting tickle wars Enough clutching each other and clamoring, blaming it on our Netflix copies of The Body Snatchers or They have it away from the Hills Couldnt Will see that I was his for the taking?Hed almost popped the question last weekend, I was ninety-nine-point-five percent sure. Wed been watching Pretty Woman, an overblown romance which never failed to amuse. Yun Sun had disappeared into the kitchen for snacks, leaving the two of us alone.Um, Frankie? Will had said. His foot tap-tap-tapped against the floor, and his fingers flexed on his jeans. Can I ask you something?Any fool would have known what was coming, because if hed just wanted me to turn up the volume, hed simply have said, Hey, Franks, turn up the volume. Casual. Straightforward. No need for any preparatory remarks. But since there were preparatory remarkswell, what could he peradventure have wanted to ask me besides Will you go to prom? Eternal delight was right there, only seconds away.And then Id blown it. Hi s palpable nervousness triggered a spaz-out of my own, and instead of letting the moment play out, Id skittishly changed the subject. BECAUSE I WAS A FREAK.Now see, thats the way its done I said, pointing at the TV. Richard Gere was galloping on his white steed, which was really a limo, to Julia Robertss castle, which was really a crappy third-story apartment. As we watched, Richard Gere climbed out of the sun roof and scaled the fire escape, all to win the affections of his beloved.None of this spineless I think youre kinda cute baloney, I went on. I was blathering, and I knew it. Were talking action, tyke. Were talking grand gesture of love.Will gulped. And said, Oh. And blinked at Richard Gere in a startled-teddy-bear way, thinking, Im sure, that he could never, ever compare.I stared at the TV, learned Id sabotaged my prom night happiness through my own stupidity. I didnt care about grand gestures of love I just cared about Will. But brilliant me, Id gone and scared him off. Because in actual real reality, I was an even bigger wimp than he was.But no more-which was why we were here at Madame Zanzibars. She would tell us our futures, and unless she was a total hack, she would state the obvious as an impartial observer Will and I were meant for each other. Hearing it spoken so plainly would give Will the guts to try again. Hed ask me to prom, and this time Id let him, even if it killed me.The plastic monkey twitched on the office doorknob.Look, its moving, I whispered.Oooo, Will said.A black man with snow-white hair shuffled out of the office. He had no teeth, which made the lower half of his face look puckered, like a prune.Children, he said, tipping his hat.Will stood up and opened the front door, because thats the kind of guy he was. A gust of wind nearly toppled the old man, and Will steadied him.Whoa, Will said.Thank you, son, the old man replied. His words came out mushy, because of the no-teeth thing. Reckon I best skedaddle before the storm blows in.I think it already has, Will said. Past the driveway, tree branches thrashed and creaked.This weensy old wind? the old man said. Aw, now, this is just a baby waking up and lacking to be fed. Itll be worse before the night is over, mark my words. He peered at us. In situation, shouldnt you children be home, safe and sound?It was hard to take offense when a toothless old-timer called you children. But come on, this was the second time in twenty seconds.Were juniors in high school, I said. We can take care of ourselves.His laugh made me think of dead leaves. entirely right, then, he said. Im sure you know best. He small-stepped onto the porch, and Will gave a half wave and shut the door.Crazy coot, came a voice from behind us. We turned to see Madame Zanzibar in the office doorway. She wore hot pink Juicy Couture sweatpants with a coordinated hot pink top, unzipped to her clavicle. Her breasts were round and firm and amazingly perky, given that she didnt seem to be wearing a bra. Her lipstick was bright orange, to match her nails, and so was the end of the cigarette she held between two fingers.So, are we coming in or are we staying out here? she asked the three of us. Unveiling lifes mysteries or leaving well enough alone?I rose from my chair and pulled Yun Sun with me. Will followed. Madame Z ushered us into her office, and the three of us scrunched together in an overstuffed armchair. Will cognise it was never going to work and lowered himself to the floor. I wiggled to make Yun Sun give me more room.See? Theyre sausages, she said, referring to her thighs.Scooch, I commanded.Now, Madame Z said, crossing in front of us and sitting behind a table. She puffed on her cigarette. Whats your business?I bit my lip. How to put it? Well, youre a psychic, right?Madame Z exhaled a cloud of smoke. Gee, Sherlock, the ad in the Yellow Pages tip you off?I blushed, while at the same time bristling. My question had been a conversation opener. Did she have a problem with conversation openers? Anyway, if she really was a psychic, shouldnt she already know why I was here?Uh okay. Sure, whatever. So I guess I was inquireYeah? Out with it.I gathered my courage. Well I was wondering if a certain special person was going to ask me a certain special question. I purposefully didnt look at Will, but I heard his spurt of surprise. He hadnt seen this coming.Madame Z pressed two fingers to her forehead and let her eyes go blank. Ahem, she said. Hmm, hmm. What Im getting here is muzzy. There is passion, yes-Yun Sun giggled Will swallowed audibly-but there are also how do I say? Complicating factors.Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Onecapital of Wisconsin Avery and the Dim ReaperKim HarrisonChapter OneIf British general, a damsel in a dress, and a pirate walk into a gym, I thought as I contemplated over the bodies moving in a mind-numbing chaos of pent-up, inexperienced, teenage lust. Leave it to Covington High to turn prom into a joke. Not to mention my seventeen th birthday. What was I doing here?Prom was supposed to be real dresses with a live band, not rented costumes with canned music and streamers. And my birthday was supposed to be anything but this.You sure you dont want to dance? Josh yelled in my ear, sending his sugary breath over me. I act not to grimace, guardianship my gaze fixed on the clock beside the gyms Scoreboard and wondering if an hour was long enough to stay and not get the third stratum from my dad. The music was dull-the same rhythmic thump over, and over, and over. Nothing new in the last forty minutes. And the bass was way too loud.Yep, I said, edging away in time with the music when his hand tried to creep to my waist. Still dont want to dance.Something to drink? he tried again, and I cocked my hip, crossing my arms to felled seam my cleavage. I was still waiting for the boob fairy to show up, but the dresss corset shoved everything up and together to make it look like I had more than I did, making me self-con scious.No, thanks, I said with a sigh. He probably didnt hear me, but he got the gist, seeing as he looked away, watching everyone move. long ballroom gowns and skimpy barmaid costumes mixed with swashbuckling pirates and watermans. That was the theme of the prom. Pirates. God I had worked for two months on the prom committee at my old school. It was going to have been freaking fantastic, with a moonlit barge and a real band, but no-o-o-o. Mom had said Dad needed to spend time with me. That he was going through a midlife crisis and had to reconnect with something from his past that didnt involve arguing. I think she just got scared when she caught me sneaking out for a late cappuccino and shipped me back to Dad and Dullsville USA crafty I listened to him more than her. Okay, so it had been after midnight. And I might have been after more than caffeine. And yeah, Id already been grounded from staying out too late the previous weekend, but thats why I had to sneak out.Running the stiff lace of my colonial dress between my fingers, I wondered if any of these people had a clue what a real party looked like. Maybe they didnt care.Josh was standing a little in front of me, bobbing his head in time with the music and clearly wanting to dance. Nearby at the food table was the guy who had skulked in after us. He was looking my way, and I gave him a stare, wondering if he was after me or Josh. Seeing my attention on him, the guy turned away.My gaze fell back on Josh, who had begun to almost dance halfway between me and the moving people. Actually, I mused as he shifted and bobbed his head to the music, his costume made his thin, awkward height work for him-a traditional British generals red and white, complete with fake sword and epaulets. His fathers idea, probably, since he was the VIP of VIPs at the research facility that had kept everyone employed when the military base moved to Arizona, but it did go with the overdone lace-and-corset thing I had on. enumerate on. Everyone else is dancing, he coaxed when he saw me look at him, and I shook my head, almost feeling sorry for him. He reminded me of the guys in the photography club pretense the darkroom door had locked to try to get a little action. It just wasnt fair. I had spent three years learning how to fit in with the cool chicks, and now I was right back with the nice but unpopular guys, mowing down cupcakes in the gym. And on my birthday, too.No, I said flatly. Translation Sorry, Im not interested. You may as well give up.Even thick-headed, awkward, broken-glasses Josh got that one, and he stopped his almost-dancing to fix his blue eyes on me. Jesus, youre a bitch, you know that? I only asked you out because my dad made me. If you want to dance, Ill be over there.My breath caught, and I gaped at him as if he had punched me in the gut. He cockily raised his eyebrows and walked away with his hands in his pockets and his chin raised. Two girls parted so he could walk between them, and th ey hunched into each other in his wake, gossiping as they glanced at me.Oh my God. Im a pity date. Blinking fast, I held my breath as I fought to keep the room from going blurry. Crap, not only was I the new girl, but I was a freaking pity date My dad had made nice to his boss, and he made his son ask me out.Son of a dead puppy, I whispered, wondering if everyone was looking at me or if it was just my imagination. I tucked my short blond hair behind my ear and backed to the wall. Leaning against it with my arms crossed, I tried to pretend Josh had gone to get some pop. Inside, I was dying. I had been dumped. No, I had been dumped by a geek.Way to go, capital of Wisconsin, I said sourly, just imagining the gossip on Monday. I spotted Josh at the food table, pretending to ignore me without being obvious about it. The guy in the sailor outfit who had followed us in was talking to him. I still didnt think he was one of Joshs friends, even though he was jostling his el put off and pointi ng at the girls dancing in dresses cut too low for the gyrating they were doing. That I didnt recognize him wasnt surprising since Id been avoiding everyone for the simple reason I wasnt happy being here and I didnt mind anyone knowing it.I wasnt a jock or a nerd-though I had belonged to the photography club back home. Despite my efforts, I apparently didnt fit with the Barbie dolls. And I wasnt a goth, brain, druggie, or one of the kids who wanted to play scientist like their mommies or daddies at the research facility. I didnt fit anywhere.Correction, I thought as Josh and the sailor laughed. I fit with the bitches.The guy followed Joshs attention to another group of girls, who were now giggling at something Josh had said. His brown hair was frizzed out under his sailors cap, and his crisp white outfit made him look like all the other guys whod chosen sailor over pirate. He was tall, and there was a smooth grace to his movements that said hed quit growing. He looked older than me, but he couldnt be too much older. It was the prom.And I dont have to be here, I thought suddenly, shoving myself away from the wall with my elbows. Josh was my ride home, but my dad would pick me up if I called.My motion to weave through the crowd to the forficate doors slowed in worry. Hed ask why Josh wasnt bringing me home. It would all come out. The lecture to be nice and fit in I could deal with, but the embarrassmentJosh was watching me when I glanced up. The guy with him was trying to get his attention, but Joshs eyes were on mine. Mocking me.That did it. No way was I going to call my dad. And I wasnt getting into a car with Josh, either. Id walk it. All five miles. In heels. And a long cotton dress. On a recrudesce April night. With my boobs scrunched together. What was the worst that could happen? A runaway cow incident? Crap, I really missed my car.Way to go, girl, I muttered, gathering my resolution along with my dress, head down as my shoulders bumped into dancers on my way to the door. I was so out of here. People were talking, but I didnt care. I didnt need friends. Friends were overrated.The music melted into something fast, and I brought my attention up when the crowd seemed to shift, awkwardly changing rhythm. I jerked to a stop when I realized I was a step away from political campaign into someone. Sorry I shouted over the music, then froze, staring. Holy crap, Mr. Sexy Pirate Captain. Where had he been the last three weeks, and were there more where he came from?Id never seen him before. Not in the entire time Id been stuck in this town. I would have remembered. Maybe exerted myself a little more. Flushing, I dropped my skirt to move my hand to even up my cleavage. God, I felt like a British tart with everything shoved up like that. The guy was dressed in a clingy black pirate costume, a pendant of gray stone lying on his chest. I could see it where the collar parted. A Zorro-style mask hid his upper face. The wide silk tails of it trai led down his back to mix with his palatable wavy black hair. He stood taller than me by about five inches, and as I ran my gaze over his tight figure, I wondered where hed been keeping himself.Certainly not the band room or Mrs. Fairels U.S. Government class, I thought as the spinning lights played over him.My apologies, he said, taking my hand, and my breath caught, not because he was touching me, but because his accent wasnt Midwestern. Sort of a slow, soft exhalation laced with a crisp preciseness that told of taste and sophistication. I could almost hear the clink of crystal and soft laughter in it, the comforting sounds that more often than not had lulled me to sleep as the waves pushed on the beach.You arent from around here, I blurted as I leaned to hear him better.A smile grew, his dusky skin and dark hair almost a balm, so familiar amid the color faces and light hair of the Midwestern prison I was in. Im here temporarily, he said. An exchange student, in a manner of speak ing. Same as you. He glanced scornfully at the people moving around us with little rhythm and even less originality. There are too many cows here, dont you think?I laughed, praying I didnt sound like a brainless flake. Yes I almost shouted, pulling him down to talk into his ear over the commotion. But Im not an exchange student. I moved here from Florida. My mom lives out there on the inner coastal, but now Im stuck here with my dad. I agree. Youre right, its awful. At least you get to go home.And where is home, Mr. Sexy Pirate?A hint of low tide and canal water drifted to me, rising from him like a memory. And though some might find it unpleasant, tears pricked at my eyes. I missed my old school. I missed my car. I missed my friends. Why had Mom gone so ballistic?Home, yes, he said, and an intoxicating smile showed a hint of tongue when he licked his lips and straightened. We should leave the floor. Were in the way of their dancing.My heart pounded harder. I didnt want to move. H e might go away, or worse, someone might slip their arm into his, claiming him. Do you want to dance? I said, nervous. Its not what Im used to, but it has a good beat.His smile widened, and relief sent my pulse faster. Oh God. I think he likes me. Letting go of my hand, he nodded, and then dropped back a step and started to move.For a moment, I forgot to follow and just watched him. He wasnt flamboyant. No, he went the other way-his slow movements making far more of an impact than if he had cleared the floor by spinning me around it.Seeing me watching, he smiled from behind his mysterious mask and blue-gray eyes as he held out a hand for me to join him. I took a breath, my fingers slipping into his warm ones, and let him pull me into motion.The music was the framework he moved within, and I lost myself trying to match the pattern of it. Almost swaying, we shifted at every second beat. I let myself relax and just dance, finding it easier if I didnt think about it. I could feel every shift of my hips and roll of my shoulders-and a thrill of something began to grow inside me.While everyone around us continued with sharp, fast motions, we danced slow, the space between us narrowing, our gazes fixing more and more on each other as I became increasingly sure of myself. I let him guide me as the music pulsed and my heart pounded with it.Most everyone here calls me band, he said, almost ruining the moment, but then his hand curved lightly about my waist, and I leaned into him. Oh yeah. This was better.Madison, I said, zest how I felt, dancing slower than everyone else. But the music was fast, thumping to make my blood race. The two extremes made it seem all the more daring. I havent seen you around. ar you a senior?Seths fingers tightened on the light cotton of my dress, or perhaps he was just drawing me closer. Im top of my class, he said, leaning so he wouldnt have to shout.The colored lights played upon him, and I felt airy. Josh could suck an egg for all I care d. This was what my prom should be. That would explain it, I said, tilting my head to see his eyes and try to place him. Im a junior.He smiled with his lips closed, and I felt small and protected. My own smile grew. I could feel people starting to watch us, their dancing slowing as they turned. I hoped Josh was getting a good look. Call me a bitch, would he?I lifted my chin, daring to move over out and pull Seth near, our bodies touching, then moving apart. My heart hammered at what I was doing, but I wanted to hurt Josh. I wanted the gossip tomorrow to be what an idiot he had been to walk away from me. I wanted something.Seths hands slid smoothly at my waist, neither imprisoning nor demanding, freeing me to dance as I wanted, and I let myself go, motions turning more sultry than these backwoods bumpkins had seen anywhere but on their TV. My lips twitched when I saw Josh and that sailor kid hed been talking with all this time. Joshs face was white with anger, and I simpered back.Yo u want him to know you arent with him? Seth said wistfully, and my gaze jerked to his. He hurt you, Seth said, and his dark hand left tingles where it touched my chin. You should show him what he lost.The moment balanced, and though I knew it was spiteful, I found myself nodding.Seth eased to a halt, pulling me into him with a smooth, unbroken gesture. He was going to kiss me. I knew it. It was in every motion he made. My pulse hammered, and I tilted my head up to meet his lips with my own, feeling my knees lock. Around us, people slowed to watch, some laughing, some envious. My eyes closed, and I shifted my weight so that we were still dancing as we kissed.It was everything I wanted. Heat wash into me where we touched, spilling down through me like layers, each flaring up as his touch grew closer. Never had I been kissed like this, and I couldnt breathe, afraid Id ruin it. My hands were at his waist, and they held him tighter as he cupped my jaw, holding me as if I might break. He tasted like wood smoke. I wanted more-but boy, did I know better.A low sound lifted from him, softer than distant thunder. His hands tightened, and adrenaline spiked through me. The kiss had shifted.Alarmed, I jerked back, breathless but feeling bright-eyed and exhilarated. Seths moody eyes were fixed on mine with a light amusement that I had pulled away.Its only a game, he said. Hes wiser, now. So are you. Hes not worth pain. I blinked as the lights spun madly and the music continued, loud and untouched by our kiss. Everything was different, but only I had changed. I tore my gaze from Seth, my hand still on his waist for balance. There were spots of color on Joshs cheeks, and he looked angry.I raised my eyebrows at him. Lets go, I said, linking my arm with Seths. I didnt think anyone would show up to challenge my position. Not after that kiss.Confident, I stepped forward with Seth beside me. A path opened, and I felt like a queen. Though the music thumped and blared, everyone watc hed us make our way unimpeded to the double doors with their brown-paper wrappings decorated to look like the oak doors of a castle.Plebeians, I thought when Seth pushed open the door and the army tank air of the mansion house hit me. The door closed behind us, and the music dulled. I slowed to a stop, low heels scuffing on the tile. There was a paper-cloth-covered table against the wall with a tired-looking woman checking tickets. Farther down the hall three kids loitered at the main door. The memory of our kiss rose back through me, making me suddenly nervous. This guy was gorgeous. Why was he with me?Thank you, I mumbled, glancing up and away, then warmed as I wondered if he might think I was talking about the kiss. I mean, for getting me out of there with my pride intact, I added, flushing deeper.I saw what he did. Seth rocked us into motion down the hallway away from everyone and to the parking lot. It was either that or you dumping punch on his clothes. And you He hesitated until I looked at him. You want your revenge more subtle than that.A sloppy grin came over me, but I couldnt help it. You think?He inclined his head, acting far older than he should. Do you have a ride home?I jerked to a stop, and he continued a step before turning, his blue-gray eyes wide in alarm. It was cool out here, and I told myself that was why I had a sudden chill.Im sorry, he said, blinking and holding himself still. I didnt mean Ill stay with you while you arrange for someone to come. You dont know me from Adam.No, its not that, I rushed, embarrassed for my sudden mistrust. I glanced back at the woman by the gym door who was watching us with an idle interest. I should call my dad, is all. Let him know whats going on.Seth smiled, his white teeth showing strongly. Of course.I fumbled for the purse that this dress had come with. He moved away a few feet as I dug out my phone and fidgeted, trying to remember the houses number. There was no answer, and we both turned at the noi se of the gym door opening. Josh came out, and my jaw tightened.The answering machine picked up, and in a rush, I blurted, Hi, Dad. Its Madison. Duh. Im getting a ride home with Seth I looked at him in question for a last name.Adamson, he said softly, his eyes behind his mask fixed on Josh. Damn, he had beautiful eyes. And long, luscious eyelashes.Seth Adamson, I said. Josh turned out to be a jerk. Ill be home in a few minutes, okay? But since no one was really there, there wasnt much my dad could say. I waited as if listening for a moment, then added, Im fi-i-i-ine. He was a jerk, is all. Ill see you in a minute.Satisfied, I closed the phone and tucked it away, linking my arm through Seths and turning us to the back doors as Josh caught up, his dress shoes clacking on the tile.Madison He was annoyed, and my satisfaction grew.Hi, Josh I said brightly, my tension rising as he fell into step on my other side. I didnt look at him, and I felt myself go hot. I got a ride home. Thanks. Fo r nothing, I added in my thoughts, still mad at him. Or my dad, maybe, for setting this up.Madison, wait.He caught my elbow, and I spun to a halt. Josh froze, pulling back and letting go. Youre a jerk, I said, eyeing his costume and thinking it looked lame now. And Im no ones pity date. You can just flip off, I adlibbed, not wanting Seth to think I swore like a sailor.Reaching, Josh grabbed my carpus and yanked me away. Listen to me, he said, and the fear in his eyes stopped my protest. Ive never seen this guy before. Dont be stupid. Let me take you home. You can tell your friends whatever you want. Ill go along with it.I tried to take an insulted breath, but the corset wouldnt let me, so I lifted my chin instead. He knew I didnt have any friends. I called my dad. Ill be fine, I said, glancing over his shoulder to the tall kid in that sailor outfit who had followed Josh out.Still Josh wouldnt let go. Ticked, I twisted my arm, and when I re sustaind to grab his wrist in a self-defen se hold, he let go as if knowing it. Eyes wide, he backed up a step. Im going to follow you home then, he said, eyes flicking to Seth.Whatever, I said as I tossed my hair, secretly glad and wondering if maybe Josh wasnt so bad after all. Seth, are you in the back lot?Seth came forward, a softly moving figure of grace and refinement next to Joshs commonality. This way, Madison. I thought I saw a hint of victory in his eyes as his arm slipped through mine. No wonder. Hed obviously come to the prom by himself, and now Josh would be the one leaving alone.I made sure my heels snapped smartly in a show of confident femininity as we went down the hall to the far set of doors. The dress made me feel elegant, and Seth looked fantastic. Josh and his silent buddy trailed behind like extras in a Hollywood film.Seth held the door open for me, leaving the two guys to handle the swinging door by themselves. The air was chilly, and I wished Id begged for an extra fifty from my dad to get the matchi ng shawl for this outfit. I wondered if Seth would offer me his coat if I complained.The moon was a hazy smear behind the clouds, and as Seth escorted me down the stairs, I could hear Josh behind me, talking softly to his friend in a low, derisive tone. My jaw clenched, and I followed Seth to a sleek black car parked illegally at the curb. It was a convertible, its top open to the cloudy skies, and I couldnt help but smile even wider. Maybe we could go for a drive before he took me home. Cold or not, I wanted to be seen in this car, sitting next to Seth, the wind in my hair and the music cranked. I bet he had great taste in music.Madison Seth said in invitation, opening the door for me.Feeling awkward and special all at the same time, I eased into the low front hobo, my dress sliding on smooth leather. Seth waited while I got the rest of the skirt inside before gently shutting the door. I put on my belt as he crossed behind the car. The black paint glistened in the low glow of the security lights, and I ran my fingers over the smoothness, smug when I saw Josh jogging to his car.Seth startled me when he slid in behind the wheel I hadnt even heard the door open. He cranked the engine, and I liked the solid rumble of it. The stereo came on with something aggressive. The vocals werent English, but that only added to it all. Joshs cars lights flashed on, and we pulled forward, Seth driving with one hand.My pulse quickened as I looked at him across the dull light. The cool air felt thick against my skin, and as we picked up speed, the wind worked its way through my hair.I live to the south, I said when we reached the main road, and he turned the proper way. Joshs headlamps swung in behind us, and I settled myself in the seat, wishing Seth had offered me his coat. But he hadnt said a word or looked at me since Id gotten in the car. Earlier, hed been all sly confidence. Now it was anticipation? And though I didnt know why, a slow feeling of alarm took root.As if sens ing it, Seth turned, driving the black road without looking. also late, he said softly, and I felt my face blank. Easy. I told them it would be easy when you were young and stupid. Almost not worth the effort. Certainly not any enjoyment.My mouth went dry. Excuse me?Seth glanced at the road and back at me. The car started to go faster, and I gripped the door handle, pressing away from him. Nothing personal, Madison. Youre a name on a list. Or should I say, a soul to be culled. An important name, but a name nonetheless. They said it couldnt be done, and now, youll be my admission to a higher court, you and your little life that will now not happen.What the hell? Josh, I said, turning to the lights going distant as Seth picked up speed. Hes following. My dad knows where I am.Seth smiled, and I shivered at the moonlight glinting on his teeth. Everything else was lost in hazy moon shadow and the exclaim of the wind. Like that will make a difference?Oh my God. I was deep in it. My gut tightened. Stop the car, I said forcefully, one hand on the door, the other holding my whipping hair out of my eyes. Stop the car and let me out. You cant do this. People know where I am Stop the carStop the car? he said, smirking. Ill stop the car.Seth shifted his leg, stomping on the brake and turning the wheel. I screamed, grabbing anything. The world spun. My breath left me in a shriek as the odd feeling of too much noise mixed with the cessation of jostling. We had left the road. Gravity pulled from the wrong way. Panic struck when I realized the car was flipping over.Shit. I was in a convertible.I ducked, hands clasped over the back of my neck, praying. A hard thump shook me and everything went black. My breath was crushed from me by the force of the hit. I think I was upside down. Then I was yanked another way. The sky brightened to gray, and I sucked in the air when the car flipped once more as it rolled down the embankment.Again, the sky went black and the top of the car hi t the ground. No I shrieked, helpless, then groaned when the car slammed to a stop, upright. I was flung against the seat belt, agony stabbing through my back as I was thrown forward.It was quiet. Breathing hurt. Oh God, I hurt all over, and I stared at the shattered windscreen as I panted. The new edges of the window glinted dully in the moonlight, and I followed the broken line down the dash to find Seth gone. My insides hurt. I didnt see blood, but I think I broke something inside. I was alive?Madison came distant over my rasping breath. MadisonIt was Josh, and I forced my eyes up to the twin balls of light at the top of the embankment. A shadowy figure was sliding down. Josh.I took a breath to call to him, groaning when someone took my head and turned me away.Seth? I whispered. He looked untouched, standing outside the ruined car at my door in his costume of black pirate silk. The moon caught his eyes and pendant, giving them both a gray sheen.Still alive, he said flatly, and t ears started to slip from me. I couldnt move, but everything was a massive ache so I didnt think I was paralyzed. Damn it, this was a sucky birthday. Dad was going to kill me.I hurt, I said, my voice small, then thought, What a stupid thing to say.I dont have time for this, Seth said, clearly bothered.My eyes widened, but I didnt move when he pulled from the folds of his costume a short blade. I tried to cry out, but my breath left me when he pulled his arm back as if to strike me. Moonlight glinted on the blade, red with someone elses blood. Fantabulous. Hes a psycho. I left the prom with a knife-wielding psycho. Can I pick em, or what?No I shrieked, managing to get my arms up, but the blade was a whisper of ice passing through me, leaving me unhurt. I stared at my middle, not believing I was uncut. My dress wasnt torn and blood wasnt flowing, but I knew that blade had gone through me. It had gone through me and the car both.Not understanding, I gaped up at Seth, now standing with the blade at rest and watching me. What I tried to say when I realized nothing hurt anymore. But my voice was utterly absent. He arched his eyebrows in a show of scorn. My expression left me when I felt the first brush of utter nothing, both new and familiar, like a memory long lost.The frighten absence of everything crept through me, stilling each thought it rolled over. Soft and muzzy, a blanket of nothing started at the edges of my world and moved inward, taking first the moon, then the night, then my body, and finally the car. Joshs cries were swallowed up in a low hush of a thrum, leaving only Seths silver eyes.And then Seth turned and walked away.Madison I heard faintly, followed by the briefest touch on my cheek. Then even that melted and there was nothing.Prom Nights from Hell Chapter OneThe Exterminators DaughterMeg Cabotbloody shameThe music is pounding in time to my heartbeat. I can feel the bass in my chest-badoom, badoom. Its hard to see across the room of writhing bod ies, especially with the fog from the dry ice, and the flickering light show coming down from the clubs industrial ceiling overhead.But I know hes here. I can feel him.Which is why Im grateful for the bodies grinding against one another all around me. Theyre keeping me hidden from his view-and from his senses. Otherwise hed have smelled me coming by now. They can happen upon the scent of fear from yards away.Not that Im scared. Because Im not.Well. Maybe a little.But I have my Excalibur Vixen crossbow 285 FPS with me, with a twenty-inch-long Easton XX75 (the tip, formerly gold, now replaced with hand-carved ash) already cocked and ready to be released at the merest pressure from my finger.Hell never know what hit him.And, hopefully, neither will she.The important thing is to get a clean shot-which wont be easy in this crowd-and to make it count. Ill probably only get one chance to shoot. Either Ill hit the target or hell hit me.Always aim for the chest, Mom used to say. Its the lar gest part of the body, and the spot youre least likely to miss. Of course, youre more likely to kill than wound if you aim for the chest rather than the thigh or arm but what do you want to wound for, anyway? The point is to take em down.Which is what Im here to do tonight. Take im down.Lila will hate me, of course, if she figures out what really happened and that it was me who did it.But what does she take care? She cant think that Im just going to sit idly by and watch her throw her life away.I met this guy, shed gushed at lunch today, while we were standing in line for the salad bar. Oh my God, Mary, you wouldnt see how cute he is. His names Sebastian. Hes got the bluest eyes youve ever seen.The thing about Lila that a lot of people dont get is that beneath that-lets face it-slutty out(prenominal) beats the heart of a truly loyal friend. Unlike the rest of the girls at Saint Eligius, Lilas never pulled an attitude with me about the fact that my dads not a CEO or plastic surgeo n.And yeah, okay, I have to tune out about three-fourths of what she says because most of it is stuff that I have no interest in-like how much she paid for her Prada tote at the end-of-season clearance sale at Saks, and what kind of tramp stamp shes thinking about getting next time shes in Cancn.But this caught my attention.Lila, I said. What about Ted?Because Teds all Lila has talked about for the past year, ever since he finally got up the guts to ask her out. Well, I mean, all shes talked about besides the Prada sales and back tattoos.Oh, thats over, Lila said, reaching for the lettuce tongs. Sebastians taking me clubbing tonight-at Swig. He says he can get us in-hes on the VIP list.It wasnt the fact that this guy, whoever he was, claimed to be on the VIP list of the newest and most exclusive club in downtown Manhattan that caused the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. Dont get me wrong-Lilas beautiful. If anyone is going to be approached by a random stranger who happens to be on the most sought-after VIP list in town, it would be Lila.It was the thing about Ted that got to me. Because Lila adores Ted. Theyre the quintessentially perfect high school couple. Shes gorgeous, hes a star athlete its a match made in teen heaven.Which is why what she was telling me did not compute.Lila, how can you say its over between you and Ted? I demanded. You two have been going out forever-or at least since I arrived at Saint Eligius readiness in September, where Lila was the first (and, to date, pretty much the only) girl in any of my classes to actually speak to me-and its the prom this weekend.I know, Lila said, with a happy sigh. Sebastians taking me.Seb-Thats when I knew. I mean, really knew.Lila, I said. Look at me.Lila looked down at me-Im small. But, as Mom used to say, Im fast-and I saw it at once. What I should have seen from the beginning, that ever-so-slightly glazed expression-the dull eyes the soft lips-that Ive come to know so well over the years.I couldnt believe it. Hed gotten to my best friend. My only friend.Well. What was I supposed to do? Sit back and let him take her?Not this time.Youd think seeing a girl with a crossbow on the dance floor of Manhattans hottest new club would maybe generate a comment or two. But it is Manhattan, after all. Besides, everyone is having too good a time to notice me. Even-Oh God. Its him. I cant believe Im finally seeing him in the fleshWell, his son, anyway.Hes more handsome than I ever imagined. Golden-haired and blue-eyed, with movie star-perfect lips and shoulders a mile wide. Hes tall, too-although most guys are tall-compared with me.Still, if he is anything like his father, well, then, I get it. I finally get it.I guess. I still dont-Oh God. Hes sensed my gaze. Hes turning this way-Its now or never. I raise my bowGood-bye, Sebastian Drake. Good-bye forever.But just as I have the bright white triangle of his shirt front in my scope, something unbelievable happens A bright bloom of cherry red appears exactly where Ive been aiming.Except I havent pulled the trigger.And his kind doesnt bleed.Whats that, Sebastian? Lila shimmies up to him to ask.Dammit Somebody-and I see Sebastian raise his stunned cerulean gaze from the scarlet stain on his shirt to Lilas face-shot me.Its true. Someone has shot him.Only it wasnt me.And thats not all that doesnt make sense. Hes bleeding.Except thats not possible.Not knowing what else to do, I duck behind a nearby pillar, pressing the Vixen to my chest. I need to regroup, figure out my next move. Because none of this can really be happening. I couldnt have been wrong about him. I did the research. It all makes sense the fact that hes here in Manhattan the fact that he went after my best friend, of all people Lilas dazed expression everything.Everything except what just happened.And I had just stood there, staring. I had had a perfect shot, and Id blown it.Or had I? If hes bleeding, then that must mean hes human. Doesnt it?Except if hes human , and hes just been shot in the chest, why is he still standing?Oh God.The worst of it is he saw me. Im almost sure I felt that reptilian gaze pass over me. What will he do now? Will he come after me? If he does, its all my own fault. Mom told me never to do this. She always said a hunter never goes out alone. Why didnt I listen? What was I thinking?Thats the problem, of course. I hadnt been thinking at all. Id let my emotions get the better of me. I couldnt let what happened to Mom happen to Lila.And now Im going to pay for it.Just like Mom.Crouching in agony, I try not to imagine what Dads going to do when the New York City police ring our doorbell at four in the morning and ask him to come to the morgue to ID his only daughters body. My throat will be gouged open, and who knows what other atrocities will be done to my broken body. All because I didnt stay home tonight to work on my paper for Mrs. Gregorys fourth-period U.S. History class (topic the temperance movement in antebell um Civil warfare America, two thousand words, double-spaced, due Monday), like I was supposed to.The music changes. I hear Lila squeal, Where are you going?Oh God. Hes coming.

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