Monday, May 13, 2019

Used a different classification method to describe types of living Essay

Used a different air divisionification method to describe types of living environments - Essay ExampleFriedman helped me come up with trine common classes of top(prenominal) class, middle class, and low class living environments that I result discuss in the following paper.The low class of a household considers the house a gallery. The house obviously should be clean and organized. The position of each item, whether hanging, resting, or on the floor is extremely composed (Friedman 127). The color avoidance harmonizes with the excellent lighting of the room. Such a design should make one feel experience something sympathetic to one of the images taken in any edition of the Architectural Digest. The latest styles, expert touches, and thoroughly chosen pieces atomic number 18 the marks of the low class.Under the middle class, practicality is the main theme. Middle classes are minimalists who believe in well(p) acquiring what is needed and ignoring or discarding anything supplem entary. Concerns about the surrounding play a vital role when buying commodities with extremely few properly chosen items (Friedman 159). Such a household will take merriment in portraying souvenirs from a recent trip along with hanging some framed images or paintings. A middle class household will refrain from too much consumption and will attempt to fit as much utility as possible from every item.Lastly, the household of an upper class individual or family is full of both necessary and complementary things. Finding extra plaza or room on a wall for hanging pieces of art in such a household becomes difficult for a designer. Reading material is scattered across the room (Friedman 171). Paper cutouts and retrospect notes are jammed under magnets on the fridge and stuck on walls in other rooms. An upper class resident appears to focus less on the appearance of the house and more on coziness. Reducing strive is nearly a slogan for an upper class household. As a result, an exception ally clean show house is not a priority for those in the upper class group. For instance, putting dishes

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